Loosing Strength

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The rusty hinges shrieked as the door sauntered open. Light spilled into the room. A silhouette stepped into the doorway, stealing the light from my eyes. Once the figure entered and the light bathed it, anger boiled up inside me. The door groaned as it drifted back into place, shutting with a surprising deep crack.

"Hello... Demon." She hissed, "Now... What should I do...? Would you rather have your fingernails removed and then your fingers? Or what about your eyes? You've nearly lost one already. Why not loose one for real? Or we could leave some little scars all over your tiny body like your brother. Oh! I know..." She laughed.

"Why don't you cut your own arm off. Or would you rather I help with that?" I spat. She growled deeply and immediately gave me a gash in the arm.

"You stupid child! You will pay for that!" She threatened, "You are a vile creature. You deserve to die, like your pathetic parents."

My eyes widened.

"My parents? What have you done to them! Where are they?!" I shrieked, horrified. She cackled as the turned away. As the clacking of metal on metal sounded for a moment, I tried to struggle out of the leather binds. I transformed and shrieked as my wings contorted and cracked underneath my body. My eyes widened as tears put a haze over everything. Every single muscle in my body was strained to the point of trembling and I could hardly breath for fear of killing myself. A few more strange clicks were heard and suddenly she sank a blade into my shoulder and ripped it back out.

When that sick, deranged woman was finally finished, I knew that my blood had stained every corner of the room. The pain made me numb. Either sweat or blood dripped from my brow as I stared at her with new wild eyes. My horns kept my head weighed down.

"You... You're insane..." I growled slowly. She grinned at me as she loomed above the table.

"You're a monster." She hissed and put what I hoped was the last deranged tool down. I could feel my heart pounding - Beneath, I could see it.

She figeted with a stained rag and threw it aside before conjuring some sort of symbol above me. As she hovered her hands over my chest, my heart slowed to a throb as it was pulled towards her. It was the strangest pain I'd ever felt, like those dread pains but worse and more drawn out. The dark symbol that hovered around me started to glow brighter as the room was cast in a subtle green glow.

The light crawled out of my flesh and clothes to spin into a neat string that floated into Orin's symbol. As the thread of green got thicker, the pain became unbearable and my shriek duetted with Orin's horrible laugh.

That was when I noticed that the horrid crumpled pile that had become my wings was starting to disintigrate. I panickedly looked around the room, supressing another yell but when I looked back at the symbol, I noticed that the green energy was thicker and the symbol was nearly completely filled out. The room had gained a consistent green hue. Finally, the few strands that were pulled out, dwindled, twirled and snapped. I gasped as those that remained re-entered my body. The pain had faded only slightly but my entire body still burned. The symbol shrunk together until it was the size of a large acorn. Orin heald out a small vial that hung on a golden chain around her neck and the orb melted into the glass bottle. She corked it and let it fall. She grinned at me as the bottle swayed, now the only thing lighting the room up.

"Thank you for the compass, demon. My new Focus.

"I hope you suffer." She sneered as she glared at me. She waved a hand over my entire body and as the green faded into black, bliss washed over me.

When I came too, I recognised the Gods forsaken place that I had awoken in and my heart instantly began to pound. It was an unfamilar feeling, as was the trembling of my hands. My breathing felt different too, as if my lungs weren't big enough, as if they were being bound tighter with every second. The darkness only lit up as if a candle had been lit, not like the shadows had retreated entirely. The bars of the hanting cell sent even more panic into me and tears shielded my vision.

This feeling wasn't normal. This wasn't me. Whatever this body was, it wasn't mine anymore.

And as the darkness encorached once more and as my head filled with more and more unfitting thoughs with each quick, sharp breath, I gave in and let the darkness take me.

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