You Don't Understand

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I stared at him as his eyes dimmed.

"Herross. Herross! Come back!" I yelled at him. When his eyes went complety dark, I saw everything again. That day when Nefeli went up in flames, he first time I saw an Endoran face to face, my first encounter with Alex, the endoran attack that landed me bedridden for weeks... every instance that had me fearing for my safety glashed before my eyes until I saw that Joorlin who's eyes I watched dim and who's blood poisoned the dirt. The earth shook as deep black strands of magic weaved through the air out of his dark eyes. They floated and faded and were fed. Each strand reached for me but never made contact. There were hundreds.

"Herross.... please!" I begged through sobs. My heart throbbed so loud that I'd thought it was next to my ears. The tendrils sank back into his eyes and as I watched them retreat I saw them creep back under his eyelids. I was breathing heavily and sobbing. Slowly, his eyes started to light up again. When he finally blinked, they still weren't back to normal. He stared into my eyes for a long time, as if trying to read my emotions. Then I remembered two things... Alex's smile and Elliott's soft, gentle stare.

"Is that really all that makes you happy...?" He mumbled with an undetectable emotion in his voice. I huffed, confused.

"No...?" I sighed, furrowing mt brows.

"I brind out people's fears but my brothers and I share powers, although vaguely and less powerful. You... You're a sad person, Decoda." He said. I furrowed my eyebrows at him.

"W.. what in the Beneath is that supposed to mean?!" I huffed, "Of course I'm sad! You just brought up every single thing I dread and fear in a matter of seconds! Do you not think any of that makes me sad?" I pleaded, trying harder to get out of his magical grip.

"I know. I wasn't finished. I fear if I leave this conversation here we will both leave without enough understanding so please, Decoda. Just listen to me. I did not mean to bring up everything. It just got a bit out of control. I didn't want you to see any of it. I didn't want to make this happen. When these responses happen around me and I gain power, I get carried away. Imagine seeing a box of Chaelesters on the table. Would you start eating one and leave it or would you not realise how many you've eaten until the box is empty?" He asked, his voice hauntingly steady.

"I have self control, Herross." I told him sternly. He closed his eyes for a moment and sipped in a breath.

"Then allow me to explain it in another way... would you, if someone stabbed you, walk away without saying a word, or would you attack them back?" He asked, his eyes slightly dimmed when he opened them again.

"Herross... I... I don't understand. Is fear like a stab to you? How does that...?" I mumbled.

"It's an uncontrollable reaponse, Decoda! Just like your bursts of anger! Do you not understand that?!" He yelled, his eyes dimming as he stepped closer, "I.... I just wanted to phrase this in a way youd be able to understand. If it gets past a certain threshold then I cannot control it as easily. I'm trying my best, just like you are." He explained softly.

"You... you have so much power! How are you so bad at controlling something you've been stuck with for millennia?" I asked.

"Truth be told, I've never been able to control it well. I'm still young. If I was an Aslantian I would be in my 30s, Decoda. If.... if I was so small... so... so fragile... if I was Gaian my life would be better." He told me as he grew and transformed into a massive creature somewhat humanoid and with darkly stained skin. It was the same form that he had taken on in Sanmar, but this time bigger and with far more teeth and horns that curled out of his head in every direction. His pitch black eyes shone down at me as he crouched between the trees.

"You are so small. You're so weak. If I could have your life I would trade it in a Gaian heartbeat. You clearly do not understand me. I believe it is best if we chat about this later. You seem to have calmed down and at least respected and processed most of this. We are at a point where I think I can return to my own dealings." His voice drifted in my mind so softly while he transformed back into the form I had come to know.

"I'm sorry, Herross." I mumbled and pulled him into a hug. He gladly returned it and we parted ways. I headed to the beach in search of Barbara but found Kaylum and Anthony instead.

"Hey Fellas.. did you... did you see that?" I asked them. The seemed to notice me for the first time. Anthony stood up and headed towards me.

"Decoda! It's been ages since we talked! How are you?" He asked and wrapped me in a tight embrace. I smiled and returned the gesture. Kaylum stood and approached.

"See what, Princess?" He asked sternly.

"So you didn't see Herross' true form. That must just have been some kind of illusion... Nevermind then. Anthony, I'm doing.. ok I guess. It's been a really long week." I told him, leaning against a tree and pinching the bridge of my nose.

"You're looking tired, Princess... can I call you that? Kaylum and Alex call you that..." Anthony smiled coyly.

"If I'm honest, I don't really care but if I had the choice, I'd prefer Dec or just Decoda." I told him. He nodded.

"Decoda, what's on your mind?" Kaylum asked, taking my hands. I glanced at the ground.

"You've seen it yourself. In any case, I think I'd rather switch the subject." I muttered. Kaylum pulled me into a hug. And Anthony piled on top.

"Hey, are you guys up for some night swimming later? Or at least evening swimmimg. I forget that you guys don't like the cold." Anthony suggested, freeing us from his hearty embrace. I gave a smile.

"Sure. I think we could all use some relaxation. It's been tough." I told him.

"Hey Decoda? Could I talk to you about something?" Kaylum asked me, leading me into the trees, towards Nathaniel's cottage.

"I'm planning somwthing incredibly special. Princess, I'd like you to be a part of it." Kaylum told me, once out of earshot.

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