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"I bid you all a hearty goodbye and I would like to welcome the heirs to the throne forward." Were the last words of Baron's speech. I sipped in a long breath and stepped forward when the curtain was pushed aside for me. The crowd looked on in awe. I took my place at the head of the group, Elliott slightly behind me.

"Please welcome your future Queen!" Baron announced with a little more excitement than he maybe should have. The crowd erupted into cheers and applause.

"My dearest Princess. To accept your role and responsibility as the ruler and mother of these citizens, please accept the Hellfire Crown and allow the other Beneatheans of our glorious family to bestow upon you, the power you deserve." Maraline said in a dictatory tone as she held the pillow that cradled the crown before me. I took a deep breath and reached out for the emaculate piece of Headwear and glanced at my dad. He gave me a patient smile and I heard Elliott's soft voice in my head.

"I've got you, my Lethallin."

I placed it onto my head and turned to the crowd. I saw the scene swim before my eyes and clenched my fists to try and ground myself and avoid feeling more faint. I wished there was a railing of some sort to hold onto.

"My beloved citizens, I, Decoda Olivia Malion, Princess of The Beneath, look forward to taking the place of my aunt, Maraline Malion as Queen of my beloved Beneath. When I was first posed the option of taking this esteemed position now or in future, I decided that it was best for all of you as the citizens, as well as for the good of my family, that I take it as soon as possible. For this option, I am eternally grateful. To spare you all of boredom and time, I will pass this on to your current Queen. Thank you all. I look forward to ruling fairly and with justice in mind. Help me fix the destruction of my Uncle and help me make sure it never happens again!" My nerves had vanished but the time I was done with the speech. The only thing that was left were the jitters.

"Thank you, Princess. King Baron, Duke Danté, are you ready to start the recall?" She asked in a smoother voice than usual. They both nodded and took their possessions, reaching out one of their hands.

"For those sensitive to sounds or screams, please be advised that this may be triggering for a moment before the recall begins. You will hear this again at the end of the recall." Maraline said clearly, "Now, With that Crown on your head, prepare to recieve the highest honour of this realm." She said before nodding at the two behind me. Both their grips tightened on my shoulders before their voices merged.

"We lend you our power, Princess."

"I accept."

Then everything went green and I screamed.

I gasp as the recall ends. I feel Elliott's hand on my back, not realising that I had fallen back.

"I now crown you, Queen Decoda Olivia Malion of The Beneath"

I focus my eyes and look down into the crowd who look up at me in wonder. I have just spilled my entire adventure to every single one of these people.

"The Queen of Kindness, wielding eyes of green!"

Did I just see everything again? That's when I notice the tears. I bow towards the crowd and turn to show off the dark, glistening golden wings stretching out behind me. I fold them up and stride towards the curtain to duck under it to get my trembling self out of sight. When Baron and Dad come in, I grab both their shoulders and sputter "I relinquish your power." They both utter a quiet acceptance and I stifle my scream into a strained growl. I huff and take a seat on a stool behind me.

"Excuse the interruption, my dear Queen. That threat I was talking about at your friend's elopement is in the castle and looking for you. They're being heald up by the guards at the entrance to the courtyard while the people steadily evacuate. They're patient." Edea tells me in a tone I wasn't expecting from her.

"Take the crown, Baron and my parents to safety. I'm going after them."


"But nothing. I can handle myself." I assure.

"She's right Edea." Elliott adds as he passes her, handing his long cloak to another nearby servant with a grateful nod.

"Something exciting happening?" Selvan asks and I jump, landing a heavy punch into his chest.

"Don't do that!" I growl while he grins.

"I'm not going to walk to see the action. Besides, I have power and I would like to use it. Herross is busy so I am happy to step in for him." He laughs a proud roar, "That studious worm may join us later, however."

I barge past him and towards the courtyard, undoing my dress and handing it to a servant as I passed them. I am to happy to have worn something practical and decent under it.

"You're about the only one prepared for something like this." Kaylum mutters as he catches up. We storm through the halls together. I'm surprised he can walk that quickly in a suit like that. When the courtyard is abandoned, I push the doors open, borrowing from my Beneathean strength. On the other side, barricaded by a wall of guards, stood Orin with her sea of black shadow things.

"Damn it Edea, I thought you meant they/them singular." I think to myself and notice Kaylum's deep seething eyes. Fire engulfs him and destroys his suit in the process as he charges forward to the distressed outcry of Anthony and soon his own when blood stains the ground.

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