The Announcement

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"I've been working on lighting the portal under that hill on which the Burns' set up a field." Herross said.

"Wait, It's been unlit? the last time I'd used it, it was still active. Alex and I came through it months ago." Kaylum said, "Shouldn't portals stay active in no one deactivated them?"

"Well that's exactly it. It had to have been deactivated."

"I deactivated it. I didn't know there would be a portal here until Kaylum lead me though it. I didn't want anyone following us. I didn't want the Princess to be taken back either." Alex muttered, glancing back at me, "Please deactivate it once we're done. with this whole ordeal."

Herross nodded and smiled at Alex. Then he stood and placed his hands on his sons' shoulders, who extended their grips to others and eventually, everyone was transported in one go into an overgrown cave. Vines and creepers overtook the black stone of the portal frame and ran along all of the intricate engravings of the frame. Herross stepped forward, then turned to Selvan and said something in Celestial. Selv formed a help and a chestplate for Herross in what seemed to be gold, but the moment Hero equipped it, the gold blackened.

"Really, Brother? Did you have to make it it out of Celestite?" He muttered. Selvan grinned.

"I like to see our powers affect things from our realm. It's good to see inklings of home." He said and patted his brother on the back. Hero stepped forward and placed both his hands on the base of the portal frame. He beckoned Selvan forward who kneeled next to him and did the same. The portal lit up with a deep, swirling crimson, laden with screaming faces that filled and echoed through the cavern.

"Wait! Goodness, how did all of you make it through this wall of brambles? I have something that might help! Michelle told me about your plan!" Barbara's voice was heard under the shrieks of the portal. I ran towards the overgrown entrance of the cave to fnd Barbara holding a large bundle of fabric in both her arms. More sat next to her.

"Barbara, what in The Beneath? What's all of this?" I asked, Alex running up next to me.

"Cloaks. I figured, since you might want to make a surprise attack on that Hag, you would need a way to disguise ourselves. Here, Alex could you please help me get these to your friends with your smoke ability?" She asked. Alex grinned with sharpened teeth and wraithed through the wall of brambles, and back in with one of the bundles of cloaks, then went back for the other. I reached my hand through the thorns and towards Barbara, who took my hand with a strong, determined grip.

"Thank you. Please let Michelle know that we won't be long. Maybe a week tops, Gaian time." I said.

"And uhm... Could you also tell her that I love her?" Alex's coy question came out in a soft, hushed tone. Her face gained a light pink hue for a moment. Barbara chuckled to herself as she let go of my hand and nodded at Alex.

"Come on! It takes a lot to get through a portal. Don't waste your energy!" Herross barked.

"We have to go. See you soon." I called while heading back. We stepped through the portal in pairs and handed out the cloaks in the new heat of The Beneath. Had it always been this hot?

Once everyone was on the other side and everyone was draped in a cool cloak, we headed towards the Kingdom. It didn't take us very long to get to the gates.

"Halt. What is your business in The Great Malion Kingdom?" One guard asked, holding his javelin as a bar across the gate.

"Have you come for the announcement? The King has ordered all living beings into the Kingdom for this afternoon's speech. Revai, did the Commander not tell you this?" The other piped up, lifting the javelin of his partner up to allow our entry. The shifted forms of the Gods lead the group into the Kingdom.

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