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When I opened my eyes again, I felt a stabbing pain in my head. I tried to focus my vision and for a moment, I was successful. My vision blurred again so I closed my eyes and fought the dizziness that overcame me. I groaned and rolled onto my side to avoid the pain in my back. I opened my eyes and saw heavy boots standing in front of me. Faint memories floated by my head until a boot pulled back then sank into my stomach, throwing me backwards and into the bars.

"Get up, girly~ I'm not done with you and your quick witted words." I heard a growl.

"Do that again, I'm into it, asshole." I grunted, only to recieve the metal capped shoe to my ribs. I spat something that stood out against the white ground. He pulled me to my feet and I saw an Ileth with deeply scared skin.

"Heh, see? I'm still standing. Fuck you. You can't kill me." I spat that liquid into his face and he started to scream as he stumbled backwards. I hated the taste of that bitter crap. He fell scrambling and writhing until his pain faded.

"What in the Dark Realm was that? Why do you keep dping that?" He demanded, threatening to break my skull open with his shoe.

"Is that all you can do? Kick me? I've experienced worse. Beneath, I've gotten my lungs nearly ripped out of my body. Whatever you do isn't gonna phase me." I told him, feeling the bliss of my wounds healing. I stood up and grinned at him. He sank heavy punches into my jaw and I fell to the ground again, still enveloped in bliss.

I stood up and punched him, sending him stumbling.

"You really don't give up, do you, asshat?" I huffed.

"I would have asked you nicely but Selvan knows that kindness isn't gonna do shit with you." I growled, feeling my claws grow. He got up and charged at me. I slashed at his arm and his face then kicked him away.

"Hey bat boy? I'd recommend staying in here for the rest of your life. Might do you some good, got it?" I growled, locking my claws around his throat.

"You're not as helpless as I thought you were, huh?" He huffed.

"Damn, even in a situation where I could squeeze my hand a little and kill you, you're still slinging bullshit at me." I taunted. He grinned.

"You know, the only thing stopping me is morals. Bet that's one thing you don't have." I muttered.

"Well I bet that pussy that was yelling shit at me from the next cell over was your husband? He told me to leave you alone, called you his precious Lethallin too. If he had been put into my cell, I probably would have eaten him." He laughed. I felt something in my eyes change before I lifted my fist and sank it into the side of his head. I got up and let the bliss work for a few moments while my rage built up. I grabbed hold of the bars and rattled them as hard as I could. I felt my arms scream out in pain just before I ripped the bars from their stone with a loud cry of fury. Good thing that asshole was out cold.

"Elliott?" I called out.

I heard my voice echo through the empty stone corridors.

"Decoda!" I heard a familiar voice echo back at me.

"Come to the left!" The voice cried out desperately. I ran down the hall stretching to my left and peered into every cell. It wasn't long before I saw him being restrained my a massive winged man who cloaked his face.

"Elliott!" I growled, "You sorry sack of flesh." I told the winged man as I glared at him.

I bared my teeth and emitted a terrible, deep growl as my claws locked themselves around the bars and ripped them from their stone hold. As the debris crumbled around me, another deep growl escaped me.

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