Wake Up

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Death was close and I could feel it. My head felt like it was about to implode and a quick, sharp pain shot through my chest.

The smoke and screams cleared up as quickly as they had appeared. A shrill laugh rang out. It echoed then started to fade. I sat up and looked around. Nothing. I glanced over at Elliott; he was still fast asleep.

"Elliott." I whispered.

"Shh." That shrill voice filled the air again.

"What do you want?" I snapped. The room lit up.

Laughter rang out again, "Oh, I only want to help you." The voice was now hoarse and I could tell that there was a smug smile behind those words.

"I don't need help," I growled, feeling my teeth sharpen when I bared them, "Who are you? Show yourself."

There was no reply.

"Didn't you hear me? I said show yourself!" I shouted, forgetting about Elliott for a moment. I covered my mouth quickly, remembering his presence.

Elliott stirred, and buried his face in his jacket.

"Calm down, dear. I'm right here." The woman chuckled. I whirled around and stumbled back.

She stood too close. She looked to be a bit taller than me, but not by much. Her long brown hair flowed down her back in voluminous curls. Her bright orange eyes glared at me smugly. There was a dark sickle shaped arch of darkness that hovered around her head. Confusion turned to dread as she drew even closer.

She launched her hand at my throat and ripped me from under my covers. She pinned me against the wall. Her evil smile shone with pleasure. With a sharp movement she threw me across the room. My foot got caught in one of the ladder steps. I flipped over and landed on my back on the ground floor. I gasped out for breath and began to crawl on all fours. She had made a deep horrible gash in my throat. My vision began to blur while I coughed and wheezed. Suddenly she appeared above me. Bliss engulfed my wounds.

"Pathetic!" Her voice echoed,"How about you actually put up a fight! You associate with many great warriors, for the Gods' sake!"

She pierced my back and dragged her blade across my skin, I yelled out. The shock of pain coursed through me as my blood spilled to the ground. When my wounds began to close up, she ripped them open again.

"Stop!" I sputtered, earning a laugh from her. She sank whatever blade had been tourmenting me into my back and I let out a shriek, begging for the others to wake up. I stared at Kaylum and Anthony, wishing that they snapped out of it and helped me.

"Leave me alone!" I yelled and summoned my wings, sending a swirling inferno of fire into the air. She stumbled back and I staggered to my feet, feeling that massuve blade sink out of my back. The scythe clanged to the ground and I took it into my hands.

"Dismiss this spell youve cast over Skladmir!" I demanded, spreading my wings. Her laugh echoed through the cottage.

"Not a chance, your highness! I need something from you, and I'll pry it from your cold, dead body!"

"You'll have to find a way to kill me first, you hag!" I spat. The woman rolled her eyes and scoffed at me.

"Oh Norvek, save my heart. I thought I wouldn't need to deal with teenagers, yet here I am." She growled and slashed at me again.

"Then stop dealing with me and leave!" I yelled.

"I'm not leaving until I get that compass, you Brat!" She spat, her hands twisting and flailing when suddenly I was encased in a cocoon of darkness that wrapped my wists and ankles in tight threads of black.

"Where is it?" She sneered, glaring at me. Her orange eyes seemed familiar. I balled my hand into a fist and pushed as hard as I could. I felt the silent ripping of the darkness. I grinned.

"Right-" rip "-here!" Thud

She stumbled backwards as blood splattered the ground.

"You malignany girl!" She yelled and I landed another punch to her stomach.

"No way in the Nine Realms am I giving you my fucking compass! Leave me alone, you bitch!" I said, launching another punch into her jaw. She lunged forward, latching on to my throat, casting another hold. Panik overwhelmed me and I threw my head forward into her nose. As the collapsed, I picked up her scythe again and pointed ut at her throat, feeling the blood from my foregead leak down my face.

"Fine." She wheezed, "You win."

I bared my teeth and noticed the room brighten as I glared at her.

"You know, if you had just participated, I would have helped you with a problem." She remarked. "I would have helped you get rid of your demonic curse." She said, smiling. My glare widened. She laughed.

"Idiot," she snapped. "I'll be back. And when I am, expect more danger." She said as she made an intimidating exit through a sudden circle of darkness that spouted screams of agony. Bliss engulfed me and I fell back against the wall, the scythe that I had armed myself with now gone. I breathed slowly and calmed before heading back up. I glanced at Kaylum and Anthony. They looked so peaceful. Thank Norvek they hadn't been caught in the frey. I headed back to my bedroll and sat there silently, feeling my hands shake and my throat burn as sobs forced themselves up.

The woman's words lingered in my mind as I softly cried.

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