Chapter 28

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Mina POV

The diner just 5 minutes from the lake. Once we got here, we were placed at a booth. I got sit next to Chaeyoung and Jackson sat next to him. Momo sit in front of Jackson with Nayeon sit next to Momo and leaving JB sit directly facing mine. God! I don't know, but I really don't like JB vibes. I quickly look at the menu, propping it up to obscure my view of JB. Maybe I'm just overreacting. He and Jackson probably just joking earlier. But, still I don't feel uncomfortable.

I don't even need to placed my order since Chaeyoung did it for me. He knew exactly, what I wanted without even to ask. Well, obviously it breakfast burritos with broccoli, eggs and tortilla chip. He also order the same one for himself. He told me it was because he was curious why liked it so much but I know he did that for save me from embarrassment of being the only person to place such an odd order. That thought makes my heart flutter.

It doesn't take long for our food to come out and everyone immediately dip to their food. I was so used to being fed every two hours by Chaeyoung and his snacks that I was starving. As I eat, I feel a leg travel up from my ankle to my calf. It sends a jolt through my body and I choke on my bite.

"Mina, are you okay?" Chaeyoung asked worried hands me my cup of water. I take a gulp and force my unchecked food down my throat.

"Yeah, thanks." I said.

I try to resume my eating, but again every five minutes a leg would knock into mine. Its almost rubbing against it. I finally look across from my, see JB eyeing me. His lips curling into a twisted grin. My stomach again feel twisted and my appetite is lost. I'm too busy trying to dodge JB's leg to pay attention to the conversation.

"Mina." Chaeyoung call.

"Huh?" I turn to look Chaeyoung discombobulated. 

"Are you feeling alright?" He asked worried.

"Yeah, I'm just going to go to bathroom." I said as Chaeyoung and Jackson get up to let me through.

I leave my burritos which only has three more bites taken out of it to hide in the restroom. But, I can hear someone also excuse himself to bathroom. I splash water into my face and take deep breathe. Maybe I'm just overreacting. He probably only did it by accident. He's just joking. Still I can't help to think negative. I feel like throwing up the little food I have taken in. After 10 minutes, I finally gather enough courage to go back to the booth. I hesitantly step out from behind the door but a hand pulls me off the side and into the corner.

"Well, hello Mina." JB face leans close to mine. I turn my head to dodge him and use my hand to set a boundary. Its pointless anyways, since he leans in. Then, I heard someone chuckles behind JB. Its Jackson. What are they doing in woman bathroom? Shoot! Are they gonna do something to me? God!

"What are you guys doing? Let me go." I try to push my way out but they has me in a corner. While JB hold my right hand and Jackson hold my left hand.

"We just wanted to say I'm a bit disappointed you didn't swim today. I wanted to see what kind of girl made Chaeyoung go head over heels." Jackson said track his finger on my leg. My eyes already tearing but I hold.

"You're disgusting." I spat and force my way past them. But they tighten their grips onto my wrist.

"What? You got mess around with Chaeyoung but won't with us?" JB said a bit harsh.

"Chaeyoung's not like you. Don't ever dare to compare yourself with him. You two are disgusting." I try to whip my wrist away but my words intensifies their anger and they holds in tighter.

"What is so great about Chaeyoung haa? That makes all of you fucking girls are so fucking obsessed with him?" JB said with so much anger tone.

"Yeah? What is that he have that we don't?" Jackson turn to asked.

"For starters, he's not jerk and a creep like you two!" I retort.

"I'm warning you two, stay away from me and stay away from Chaeyoung. Focus on your girlfriend, so they won't know you two such an assholes." I said to them and used all my strength to release myself from them.

"I'm warning you, not to piss me off." JB said.

I glare at him before I said my word. "Leave me alone. Don't use me to get back at Chaeyoung. Its obvious you two just upset your girlfriend isn't even interested in you and is into someone else." I said and slip away into the bathroom.

I lock myself in the stall. I'm breathing so hard that I can barely even tell if I'm breathing. I fight my watering eyes and text Chaeyoung to get me in the bathroom. I hear the door creak open.

"Mina?" I hear Chaeyoung voice.

I open the stall and look at Chaeyoung. I can see his face worried.

"What's wrong?" He asked worried.

"I want to leave." I said with my shaky voice.

Chaeyoung looks at my desperate eyes and doesn't said anything else. He just nodding. I follow closely behind Chaeyoung, who leads me  outside. He stops on the way to say goodbye to the others.

"Hey, something came up. See you on Monday." Chaeyoung said to them.

I can see JB and Jackson smirk to me as I battling with my tears for not let it fell. I turn around and walk to Chaeyoung motorcycle leaving them without saying anything. I wait for Chaeyoung beside his motorcycle. Chaeyoung rushes after me.

"Mina. Are you okay?" He asked again. Worried can be hear in his voice.

"Can we just start driving?" I didn't answer his question. I just want to leave here as soon as possible.

Chaeyoung just starts the motorcycle and I climb in without hesitation. He drives without asking me anything else. I hug tightly onto Chaeyoung. The tears I have been holding back for so long is forced out by the wind blowing in my face. I also had not intention to hold it anymore. I hide my tears by pressing my face into Chaeyoung's back. I feel his stomach tighten when I did that, but soon it relaxed again. I was relieved the sound of engine was muting my cries but my eyes made wet imprints on Chaeyoung's shirt. He pulls off to the side when we are at the park, we are not yet to my house. Chaeyoung stops the engine and knock down the kickstand to support us and the motorcycle.

"Mina." He call my name softly.

My cries were obvious now. My sniffles and hard breathing sound so clear.

"I'm okay. Its my allergies." I manage to said between my breaths.

I let go of Chaeyoung to wipe away and conceal my face. Chaeyoung gets off and stands to the side of the bike, facing me. He pries my shaking hands from my face and it revealing my streaked face.

"Who did make you upset?" He said in angry but gentle tone.

I quickly wrap my arms around his waist and bury my face into his stomach. His towering figure seems as to be like shield. I feel his arms wrap around my head. His hands stroking my hair softly. We just stay like this silent. No one utter a words but its doesn't felt awkward.

"Next time, lets go alone." I whisper after a few minutes silent.

"Yeah, I'm sorry." He said still stroking my hair.

"Its not your fault." I said.

"I promised, I won't let you get allergies again." He said pull me away and look at me with smiling.

And just like that my heart melted.

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