12. The Celebratory Dinner

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Previously: You had a heart-to-heart with Derek before heading to the buffet.

It took about 25 minutes to arrive to the buffet.

The rest of the team are already there once you both get there. You get out and Derek locks the doors and tosses you your keys.

Penelope: "Do my eyes deceive me, or is that my favorite chocolate hunk??"

Derek: "It's nice to see you too baby girl." He smiles.

Emily: "Well there you guys are, what took you so long??"

Y/N: "I needed to have a conversation with Derek, privately so I decided to pick him up on the way."

Hotch: "You guys aren't together correct? Even though the rule was withdrawn, you'd still need to fill out a waiver."

Y/N: "We are not sir. Just a conflict that needed to be resolved."

Hotch: "Good."

Emily: "What're we still doing here, I'm starving!"

JJ: "You're always starving Emily."

Emily: "Am not!"

Y/N: "Quiet children, let's go!"

You and the team walk in.

Rossi: "David Rossi, table for 9?"

Waitress: "Come with me, I'll lead you to your table." She says with a smile.

She leads you to a big booth with decorations. There were silver letters strung up that said "Congrats Y/N!" . There was a silver bag in the middle of the

Y/N: "Rossi you didn't."

Rossi: "I didn't, Penelope did."

Y/N: "Thank you Pen, but this was completely unnecessary."

Penelope: "It's not unnecessary if it's for you Y/N, we all love and adore you!"

Y/N: "Aww Penelope!" Your eyes start to tear up a little.

Penelope: "Are you gonna open your present?? Emily, JJ, and I contributed to it!"

Y/N: "Aww of course Pen!"

You slide into the booth and open the bag. There was a card so you open that first. There was separate messages from everyone on the team.

"Dear Y/N,
I just wanted to say how much I admire your strength. You are so strong, I'm always here for you, whenever you need it. I love you, Y/N.
- Your favorite, Penelope Garcia"

I'm glad you're a part of our team, and I hope you're a part of it for a long time. Keep up the good work.
- Aaron 'Hotch' Hotchner"

"Y/N, where do I begin?
I'm so happy you're a part of the team, it's always good to have another girl here. I'm also glad you implemented the thursday day/night idea. Without it I'd go insane.
- Jennifer 'JJ' Jareau"

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