31. Betrayal

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Previously: You and Spencer had a talk, then went on a retreat for three days.

Y/N: "Goddamit Spencer! Are you fucking kidding me right now??"

Spencer: "I'm sorry, the kiss was a mistake. She came here and wanted to talk."

Y/N: "Talk my ass. You're supposed to be a genius. No girl ever comes over to just 'talk'. I'm done Spencer."

This is present time, let's go back for some context shall we?

We're now in August. You've officially been engaged for a month. JJ and Emily are more in love than ever, Penelope is still the wonderful human being she is, Tara's been on a few dates, Luke's been going with the flow, Hotch's been himself, you and Spencer have been doing great.

A Few Hours Ago

Lately you and the girls have been going out more as of lately. You're currently at the club having an amazing time.

Penelope: "Oh my God, we all look AMAZING!" She says drunkenly.

Tara: "Of course we do, when don't we look good?"

Emily: "I absolutely agree." She says smiling.

Y/N: "While I agree that we look good, but you all are stupid drunk!" You say chuckling.

JJ: "Well come on and get drunk with us!"

Penelope: "Yeah come on!"

Tara: "There's no way you could say no to the miss Penelope Garcia." She said smiling.

Emily: "Come on party pooper!"

Y/N: "Alright, alright, fine, you all do know that this is peer-pressuring right?"

Tara: "We're all getting drunk, it's fine."

Y/N: "You don't seem drunk though."

Tara: "It's because I know how to handle my liquor." She says chuckling.

Emily: "I'll go order some shots!"

JJ: "I'll come with!"

Penelope: "So Y/N, how're things with you and the boy genius??"

Y/N: "It's great, I think the retreat really helped a lot." You say smiling.

Tara: "Any ideas about the wedding?"

Y/N: "Nope, not yet. There's plenty of time though."

Penelope: "Very true!"

You look at the time and see that it's after nine, you got there at six.

Y/N: "After these shots I think I'm going to go home, I miss my man and it's getting late."

Tara: "Of course."

JJ and Emily come back with enough for everyone to have two shots. Once everyone takes their shot, you say goodbye. The club wasn't that far from the apartment so you had walked to the club. As you were walking, you felt buzzed. You reach the front steps and opened the door. The sight you saw instantly made the effects of the alcohol disappear. Instead of sadness, anger and betrayal flowed through your veins.

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