The First Time I Talked to You

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Izzie Stewart is so goddamn beautiful. My eyes, her smile, the way her hair bounces when she walks. So of course, she makes me a nervous wreck. And right now, I was walking into the building. Fast. Hoping to avoid Izzie and all the other students passing me weird stares. "So this is what it feels like to be the new kid..." I muttered to myself. I took my time to walk to the principal's office because I knew that once I met him I would officially be part of this school and no longer part of Newton. Also because I wanted to take in how the building looked. It was crazy humungous with corridors everywhere. How does one not get lost?

    The moment I pushed through the doors a gush of cold air hit my face. "Casey Gardner I suppose?" The lady at the front desk asked. She had short hair and purple glasses and a button down shirt with flower prints on them. I nodded nervously, gripping my bag strap. She started tapping away on her laptop without continuing so I just stood there awkwardly. "Principal Jeffers will see you in 5 minutes. He's currently with a client. Don't be too tense it's only your first day. Have a sweet," She said, pointing at the bowl of sweets on the desk, never once looking up at me. I took a sweet, just to not be rude, but there was no way this sweet was going to calm any of my nerves. Everything was so fast-paced here and I hated it. Maybe this was the wrong decision.

    "Casey Gardner," A deep male voice spoke and I looked up to see Principal Jeffers. He isn't what I expected at all. I figured he would have a checkered shirt and brown pants and maybe some dressing shoes. But this man just wore a plain black t-shirt, jeans and sports shoes. And if you ask me, he was quite handsome. I walked into his office and saw pictures of his kids and wife I presume and some of him during his graduation days. He seemed to be an ex-student here.

    "Alright Casey I'm going to give you your schedule with all your classes. Looking at your grades from your last school, I think we can put you in AP Biology," He said. "AP? Trust me I'm not an AP student," I said, and then immediately regretted it. Probably not the best thing to tell your principal on the first day. "You'll get used to it," He simply said, as he continued typing on the laptop. "Coach Crowley was really eyeing you after your big win that day," He said and I just nodded. "Good luck Casey. Not that you need any." He gave me my schedule and I looked at it for a while, and sighed seeing that lessons ended most days at 5. I simply smiled and walked out of his office. It was hard to fake that I was really excited because I was not. It was all getting so real right now. "Oh God Newton I miss you," I silently said under my breath.

    I walked to locker 264 and was happy to see that there were not many students in the corridor. Just a red-headed boy sitting on the floor to study and a girl at the water fountain. Back at Newton, we didn't even have locks for our lockers. Ironic huh? The school could never afford them. I looked at the combination printed on my schedule and tried to unlock my locker but to no avail. "How do these damn things even work?"

    "Need help?" A sweet clarion voice spoke and I turned around. My breath hitched and my hands got clammy when I saw Izzie standing in front of me. Since I was little, my hands would always start sweating the moment I got nervous and I wouldn't be able to mutter a word. That's why I was never great at public speaking and have been single my whole life. "Um... yeah.... yeah... I just... I'm new here so I don't know how to-"

    "Yeah I know. Casey right?" She cut me off and I nodded. She knows my name? "I saw you run. You were great," She said, taking my schedule. "So you just gotta turn this thing like that... and then like that... sometimes it doesn't work so you just give the door a little nudge and... there you go!" She said proudly, opening my locker door. "Th-thanks!" I said. Goddamnit Casey keep it together. "My locker is next to yours so just ask me if you need any locker help in the future," She laughed. Wow I could hear her talk for hours. "Um Izzie, where's the class for World Studies?" I asked without any stammers, surprising myself. "Oh World Studies is just straight down the hall and turn left, first class to your right. I'll see you at training later?"

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