Fighting For You

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The drive to my house was so thrilling and I felt my heart beat a million times faster. Izzie gave me gentle but dominant touches here and there and it was so damn inviting. "Newton, you look so beautiful today," She whispered, twirling my hair between her fingers. "Goddamnit, can this thing go any faster," I said and she laughed. When we turned the corner, my house was in sight and I got excited. Then, I saw Elsa in the garden. "No, no, no, no..." I muttered. "Casey, I told you we'll be quiet," She giggled and I turned to look at her. "Both you and I know that ain't happening," I said and she blushed. "Come on, let's just go to your house," I whined. "But my house is so boring," She argued and I rolled my eyes. "Fine.." She groaned.

We reached Izzie's not too long later and the moment I put the car in park she leaned over and pulled me in for a kiss. When she broke away, she stared deep into my eyes and I did the same. "You're so beautiful," She whispered, carassing my cheek. I kissed her palm before we both got out of the car. I took her hand in mine as we both walked towards her house. She had me against the front door and I looked down at her as she fumbled in her pockets to find her keys. Her frustration at not being able to take them out of her pocket made me laugh. "What Newton?" She asked rolling her eyes. "Nothing, you're just adorable," I said and I saw a small smile form on her face. She finally got her keys out and she started to kiss me with more passion as she unlocked the door.

The moment we entered, we heard a bunch of unfamiliar voices which made us break away. We turned around in shock to see a bunch of men in suits and they were all gathered in different areas of the house. Izzie turned around to me in confusion and I shrugged my shoulders. "Ummm... what is this?" Izzie spoke and everyone looked up, realising that we were there. "Izzie!" A man exclaimed, walking towards us. He wrapped Izzie in a hug and closed his eyes. The moment I saw his face my heart dropped and I felt like the world around me was crashing. When he let go of her, she looked at him in confusion as he still had his hands on her shoulders. "Ummm... do we know each other?" She asked and all I could do was stand there and watch everything unfold. "It's me sweetheart. Your dad," He finally said, hugging her again. I saw Izzie's entire being tense up in an instant.

"" She mumbled and he nodded. "I'm sorry I haven't been around. But look at you, you're all grown up!" He said. "Grown up? You haven't seen me since I was 4!" She yelled back. I wanted to go towards Izzie and hold her hand and maybe bring her somewhere far, far away but right now I stayed rooted to the ground. "And who the hell are these people? Why are they in my house?" She asked. "They're my lawyers darling. I... I spent some time in jail..." He mumbled. "Jail?! For what?!"

"Does that matter sweetheart? I'm here right now aren't I? We can finally be together," He said walking closer to hug her and she stepped back. "I am not your sweetheart. Don't contact me ever again. Get out of my house!" She yelled. "And who is this young lady here?" He asked, turning his attention to me. Before I could open my mouth, Izzie thankfully cut me off. "Don't answer him."

"Why do you care who she is? It's not like you care about my life anyways," She scoffed. "Baby please I can explain everything," He begged and before I knew it Izzie was taking my hand and dragging me out of the house. "Iz, where are we going?" I asked and she didn't say a word. Soon, we ended up across the road at her bakery. She dragged me up the stairs and we ended up on what I'm guessing was the rooftop. "Izzie, please. Just talk to me," I said, breaking away from her grip. "Talk to you?! Didn't you just see what happened?" She yelled and I stood there, unable to move and unable to go towards her and hug her and tell her that everything was going to be ok. Because quite frankly, I didn't think everything was going to be ok either. It all became so real now. When I saw him hug her and the way they resemble each other so closely. It felt like such a dream... or a nightmare. My entire relationship with Izzie just took a huge turn.

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