Slurpees with You

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^^got this picture from the atypical youtube channel and look at their arms HDSGUSSU they're in love shut up

It was 3am when I heard the news that Tyler Ferguson had been brutally murdered and found in the river. But this time, it didn't faze me at all. Obviously when I watched the news with my family I pretended to look as shocked as all of them. Elsa had officially banned me from going out unless it was for school or training and made sure that Doug drove me everywhere. The town was now on high alert and they officially deemed the case as a serial killer attempt. The guilt I felt, knowing that I knew who the killer was, was killing me on the inside. But I couldn't tell anyone, especially not now.

    The world was more quiet at 3am. I usually am not awake at this hour because my sleep means everything to me and I crash the moment I get home, whether I have homework or not. But this time I found myself unable to go to my bed as thoughts from that night at Mr Stewart's office clouded my head.

    I looked at the essay title on my screen that was staring right back at me as I wracked my brains trying to think of a way to start. Eventually, I realised that there was no way I was going to get anything done soon so I called my support system.

    "Hey, you up?" I texted before heading back down to get a snack. I opened the fridge to see the leftover pizza from dinner so I took it out to microwave it. Then I got a reply from her.

    Izzie<3: Yes I am. Everything okay?

    "I can't sleep..."

    Izzie<3: Same... and I miss you

    "Come over."

    Izzie<3: I'll be there in 10

    "No, I'll come pick you up."

    I smiled at my phone before putting it down and taking the pizza out of the microwave. I felt like my life took a complete 360 turn and I didn't know how to turn it back. And J could be lurking around anywhere ready to strike. And the scary part is that we don't even know who he is. It's going to be hard for Mr Stewart to take him down so easily. I gobbled down the pizza before quietly trying to exit the house but before I could, I heard footsteps running down.

     I turn around and froze when I saw Sam. He looked at me in confusion for a while before I slowly walked towards him. "Sam look I'm just trying to go pick Izzie up and sneak her into the house. Could you cover for me and not tell Elsa?" I pleaded. "But... Elsa said that we weren't allowed to leave the house. And it's the rules," He said and I sighed. "I know that. Just... just this one time. Breaking rules is a part of life," I told him. "If she comes over can we watch that penguin documentary?" He asked and I giggled before nodding. He ran back upstairs to his room and I quietly opened the door before slipping out.

    When I reached Izzie's place, she was already waiting at the front door and her face lit up when she saw my car. When she got in, she pulled my face closer to hers and laid a passionate kiss on my lips which I gladly returned.

    "We're so dead if anyone finds out about this," Izzie said and I laughed. "Sam caught me sneaking off just now. Promised him you would watch a documentary with him if he didn't tell Elsa," I told her and she giggled. "I don't feel like going home," I whispered.

    I felt her finger slowly intertwine with mine before she held my hand comfortably. "Slurpee night? Or slurpee morning since it is in fact... 4am," She said, showing me the time on her phone. "Slurpee morning it is," I said, starting the car and heading towards the 711.

    The ride there felt calm. The street lights were the only thing that was lighting the path as everyone else had locked themselves in their house, afraid to go outside. There was no need to drive too fast because it felt like the world had stopped for us. And we weren't planning on heading home any time soon to sleep. I remembered we had many free periods the next day at school and we could make use of that time to catch up on sleep at the library.

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