I Thought I Lost You

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The first time I kissed someone was back in middle school with this boy in my gym class. He was really skinny and way shorter than me and I remember how grossed out I was after the kiss. He was the one that made a move on me and I was completely not ready for it. At that age, kissing was disgusting to me. I always felt annoyed that my first kiss wasn't a storybook moment.

Today however, was the first time I kissed a girl. And not just any girl, I kissed Izzie Stewart. When her lips landed on mine, I took in a sharp breath out of shock but I eventually moved with her in sync. The butterflies in my stomach were crazy and I knew exactly what to do and where to place my hands. She placed her hands on my neck and my hands found their way to the sides of her head. I made sure to hold her gently and not move too fast so that we both had the chance to savour this moment. I felt all my stress and worries slowly leave my mind as we kissed deeper. After what seemed like hours, we pulled away from each other, keeping our eyes closed.

We didn't say anything for a while because quite frankly, there was no need to. Everything that we needed to say, we said it in that kiss. I've never had such a connection with someone before. She opened her eyes to meet mine and I could tell she was urging to say something.

"Hi," She whimpered


"Do you... do you wanna come back to my place and help me with Chemistry?" I asked her and she giggled. "Are you asking me on a date Casey Gardner?"

"Maybe... or maybe because I just really need to finish the homework," I said and she laughed and I could not help but smile at the girl I was in love with. Suddenly, my phone rang, breaking me out of my trance. I looked at the phone and rolled my eyes when I saw Elsa calling me, annoyed that she had disrupted our moment.

"Casey, Paige invited the family over for dinner. Can you come to her house?" I groaned immediately. "I have lots of homework. Can't you guys just go by yourself?" I asked. "I have no idea where Dad is and he isn't replying my calls. Come on Case, Paige really likes you," She pleaded. "Ugh, fine." It's not that I didn't like Paige. I love how she treats Sam. I just really wanted to be with Izzie today.

"You gotta be somewhere?" Izzie asked, and I nodded in disappointment. "Don't worry Newton. We'll see each other in school tomorrow," She reminded.

We took our time walking back from the town. Our hands hit each other as we walked and we were unsure about holding hands. But I was completely fine with taking this slow. After all, it would give me more time to enjoy her. Once we were outside Paige's house, which was a few houses away from mine and Izzie's, we looked at each other for a while, unsure of what to do. "I'll see you tomorrow Newton. Also, I'll send you the answer sheet for the homework tonight." I stared at her in shock and she laughed. "Quinn somehow managed to get the Chemistry answer sheet for the entire year. That girl is madness," she explained and I laughed, happy that I would be easily getting my A for Chemistry this year. "But! I'm not doing that on a regular basis. If you don't try it yourself, you'll flunk the exams at the end of the year just like I did," She said and I groaned. "Then will you study with me? You can teach me and I can distract you," I said, smirking.

"You know Newton, I'd like to think my attention span is pretty good. But when I'm with you however..." She moved closer and started playing with the sleeves of my track uniform. "I seriously can't focus." The way she looked at me was full of yearn. I slowly bent down and she tiptoed. She brought my head down closer to her lips when we heard Paige's front door open and we broke away immediately. We turned around to see Paige bringing out the trash. "Casey! Izzie! Welcome to my humble abode," She said bowing down. "She's not joking. She actually thinks she's the Queen of England," I told Izzie who giggled. "Will you be joining us Izzie?" Paige asked, rubbing her hands together and I looked at her. "Thank you for the invite but I think I better head home. I haven't been home for nearly 24 hours," She said letting out a laugh and I slouched my shoulders in disappointment. "Another time then. Come on Casey, my famous roast chicken is getting cold!" She said, gesturing me into the house.

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