The First Date With You

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Waking up to go to school became much easier. It actually became something I looked forward to. In just a matter of days I had met a girl and fallen completely and utterly in love with. And every day just felt like a breath of fresh air with her. Today, for the first time in a long while, I actually woke up promptly to the sound of my alarm and jumped off the bed. I looked at the messages on my phone.

Izzie<3: Good morning beautiful. Pick me up in 30?

"Good morning to you too. Yes, can't wait."

I hopped in the shower and did the rest of my morning routine. I decided to wear the official Clayton jacket that I had received on the first day. I was hesitant about wearing it at first because I was still the newbie but right now, I was starting to feel more included in the school. I threw it on and ran down to see Sam eating breakfast at the table. "Mum, I gotta go I'm late," I yelled out to Elsa and ran out of the door. It's been 4 days and I still haven't seen Dad. Of course I message him every single day and he replies but it can't make up for the lack of physical contact. Thankfully, I had Izzie around to take my mind off of it. I got into my dad's car and drove off to Izzie's house.

Once I got there, I saw her clad in her uniform and also wearing the school jacket. She was on her phone and waiting on the front porch. I saw her beautiful smile when I started to pull over. I got out of the car and she ran towards me, wrapping her arms around my neck. "Hello gorgeous," I whispered, bending down to give her a kiss. She placed her hand on my cheek and we stayed like that for a while before I pulled away. I opened the car door and gestured my hand inside as she giggled and got in.

"So Crowley wants to talk to us huh?" She started the conversation, looking at me. "She's just gonna say the same stuff. About how we shouldn't be having relationships within the team," Izzie said and I looked at her with my eyebrows raised. "She doesn't approve of relationships in the team?" I asked and she nodded. "I mean, I don't think anyone in the team has ever dated. But she has mentioned it a couple of times. Guess we're making history huh?" She said and I chuckled. "You don't think she's gonna... you know..." I mumbled. "She can't tell us not to be together. Don't worry about it Newton," She said and I nodded.

Once we reached school, we got a couple of stares from people because Izzie usually got out of Nate's car. To be very honest, I felt very good coming out of that car. That's right... Izzie Stewart is my girl. When we walked to the lockers we saw the track team standing there. "Okay what's the tea? Izzie Stewart getting out of Casey Gardner's car this morning? The entire school is talking about it," Quinn started. "Geez, word spread around that fast here?" I asked and looked at Izzie who smiled. We both looked down and blushed. "Oh my God, you idiots are dating and didn't tell us?!"

"No one said we were dating!" Izzie defended and started to drag me away from the group. "We gotta meet Crowley," Izzie said. "See y'all at training love birds!" They yelled out and we rolled our eyes before bursting into laughter. So this is what happiness feels like... Where has this girl been all my life?

We knocked on the door before entering Coach Crowley's office. "Aah, welcome girls take a seat." We sat down on the two chairs opposite her and she folded her arms. There was awkward silence for a while before she started to speak. "Alright, tell me what's going on here," She said, gesturing her hands between me and Izzie. "Nothing Coach," Izzie said confidently and Crowley sighed. "Look, we both know what I saw yesterday. So what is going on?" She asked again. I looked down because I started to get nervous and I felt Izzie's hand reach for mine in an attempt to calm me down. "Does it matter what is going on?" Izzie asked. "Listen girls, when I found out that Izzie was with Nate, that was already the limit for me because Izzie can't afford any distractions. But now with both of you on the same team, you're going to be distracting each other. And I can't be having that on my team."

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