Just Because Of You

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"Casey I can't believe you hid all of this from me," Sharice said, as I paced around in her room, clutching onto my phone and staring at the screen. "What did you expect me to do? I didn't know how to open up to anyone about it," I yelled and her face softened. "I'm sorry I didn't mean to yell I just... need her to reply," I whispered the last part and sat down on the bed. "What exactly are you afraid of?" Sharice asked and I stared at her for a while.

"He has all the control over her now. I did some research on the dad. His name is Devin Stewart. And his company owns all the houses and all the buildings in the neighbourhood," I said and her eyes widened. "He's been doing this even before we were born. He sold land to Newton and Clayton to build their schools. All the shops in town? He sold. This house you're living in? He sold. He's rich as fuck. And thirsty for money," I said, showing her the website on my phone about his company and a picture of his face and his details. "I don't really know what exactly got him in jail but Nate told me it was about an illegal money laundering. Well now he's back and he has all the power again."

"Wait, wait. Stewart Constructions? Yeah I've heard of them. Just never thought it would belong to her dad," Sharice replied. "Well he fucking hates me. Cos I'm a girl. So I'm not allowed to date his precious princess who he didn't even care about her entire childhood." I had told Sharice about me and Izzie and it sucked that I had to reveal the good news at such a horrible time. Suddenly, my phone rang and I grabbed it from the bed. Tears welled up in my eyes and I heaved a sigh of relief when I saw Izzie's name.

"Hello? Iz, you okay?"

"Newton, hey. Yeah, I'm fine he just... sent me to my room... I don't know where he is..."

"Alright I'll come and get you now."

"Newton no. I'm staying here. I'm not going to drag you into my family bullshit."

"Well it's my bullshit too Iz in case you haven't realised."

"Look I'll be fine. I'll see you in school tomorrow I promise okay?"

"Did you know that your dad owns Stewart Constructions?"

"Yeah... he just told me. I've always knew about them I just thought the name was a coincidence."

"Izzie if he does anything to you he's dead."

"I know. And I'll call if he does. Now please just go to sleep you've had a rough day."

I pressed my phone tightly to my ear and pursed my lips, trying not to cry. Hearing her voice felt like a stab to the heart. I yearned to be in her arms again but I knew that was impossible right now.

"Hey, I love you okay?" I choked out

"I love you too Newton."

"Wow... she really is the one huh?" Sharice spoke and I looked up at her, tears flowing down my face. She immediately came to me and wrapped her arms around me. "You guys will find a way out of this," She reassured as I held onto her.

When I got into the car Sharice stayed at the car window. "Hey I'm sorry I haven't hung out with you in a while. Everything's been kind of a mess," I told her and she smiled. "You've always been a mess Casey Gardner. And so have I. That's why we're best friends," She said and I laughed. "Drive safe Case."

The only way back to my place from Sharice's was to drive past Izzie's house. I dreaded taking this route because I knew if I drove past, my instincts would tell me to get out of the car and go see if she's okay. When I drove past her house, I saw that her bedroom seemed dark so I assumed that she was asleep. So I had a better idea...

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