The Only One I'm Thinking Of Is You

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        It was extremely difficult to open my eyes when my alarm clock went off because I had only fallen asleep the hour before. I reached out to tap on it before flipping to the other side to continue closing my eyes. "Good morning Newton," I heard her soft, sweet voice say before I felt her kiss my nose and a smile broke out on my face. "Come on you lazy ass get up!" She exclaimed and I pulled her into my body before covering both of us in the blanket. "Give me 5 more minutes," I mumbled.

"Did you not get any sleep last night? I felt you moving around a lot," She said, resting her face on my chest. "Yeah... I had a bunch of nightmares... and I was really thirsty," I whispered, my eyes still closed. Suddenly, the door slammed open and my body immediately woke up as Izzie jumped off me. We desperately snatched most of the blankets to cover our bodies. "Mum! Get out!" I yelled. "Oh I just wanted to see if Casey wanted any breakfast. I didn't know you came over dear," Elsa said looking at Izzie who was blushing. "BYE!" I exclaimed as she closed the door but not before giving me a wink.

"Oh my God she is so embarrassing," I said and Izzie laughed. "Hey you got a text from Jarvis," Izzie said, looking at my phone. I remembered the 5 missing assignments I owed him and started to panic as I took the phone.

Mr Jarvis: Exams are coming Ms Gardner. Where is your work?

"Sorry Mr Jarvis, I'll submit them by tomorrow I promise."

"You better. And don't make Izzie do it for you because I will know."

I rolled my eyes before showing Izzie the texts. "Damn how'd he find out?" She asked. "Kinda suspicious if an average student like me got a perfect score on three straight assignments," I said, lifting her up and bringing her back down onto my body, causing her to giggle. "You are so smart. And beautiful. And funny. And perfect," I whispered into her ear and she smiled. "I know," She replied, bringing my face down to hers to kiss me. Right then, the door opened again and I groaned when I saw Sam. "What now?" I asked, throwing the pillow at him. "What do you guys think of Gretchen?" He asked and Izzie and I looked at each other. "Why the random question?" Izzie asked as he sat down on the bed. Izzie and I pulled the blankets up even higher. "Ummm Sam we're kinda..." I mumbled, gesturing my hands over the blankets.

He looked at us for a while. "Ok. Anyways, what do you guys think of her?" He asked again and I placed my face in my hands before sighing. "She's pretty chill I guess," Izzie told him and he shook his head. "Why would you say that? She seems like a horrible person," Sam said and Izzie and I laughed together. "Are you just saying that because she's been hogging Zahid?" I asked. "No, I wrote down a list of her bad qualities actually," Sam said, giving us his notebook. "Oh yeah I kinda gotta agree with you that she's overprotective," Izzie said and he nodded.

"Anyways, do you guys want to bring me to the aquarium. I want to see Stumpy," He said. "Why not you ask your turtle to escort you there?" I said. "Tortoise," Izzie and Sam looked at me and said in unison. I looked back and forth between both of them in confusion. "Is it not the same thing?" I asked and they shook their heads. "Sure Sam just give us 15 minutes," Izzie told him and he nodded before leaving the room. "Seriously? You wanna go to the aquarium?" I asked monotonously, hoping she would see how boring it sounded. "I love animals. And I wanna get closer to Sam," She said. "Ugh fine," I agreed, grabbing my shirt from the floor. "Don't forget we gotta meet the track girls for lunch," Izzie said, scrolling through her phone.

"You know... Quinn was sending me videos at that party you guys went to. You have no idea how jealous I was," I said and she crawled across the bed and wrapped her arms around my neck. "I didn't make a move on any of those guys. And the girls chased all of them away. Only have eyes for you Casey Gardner," She whispered, hugging me.

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