The Real You

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As a little girl, I stayed locked in my room 24/7, not having any intention to go out to interact with people. For a 10 year old, I was pretty mature for my age and I knew the bullshit and ridiculousness that came with some people and I avoided them at all costs. Of course some people were an exception. I met Sharice in kindergarten by the swings. She was always the popular one since kindergarten but I instantly felt her genuine and warm personality. Since young, I never liked sharing so my very first interaction with Sharice was when I pushed her off the swings so that I could have it to myself. She loved me immediately. Evan I met a while later in middle school. We were paired up to do a project about photosynthesis. I paid no attention during class so obviously I pushed all the work to Evan which he appreciated a lot. Evan always liked doing things on his own which is why he hated group projects. To be honest, whenever there was pair work I would always pick Evan so that I could do less work. It was a trade deal. I met Zahid the last. I first saw him in History class but never really paid attention to him until he started working at Techtropolis with Sam. Soon, we started doing every History assignment together and I eventually introduced him to Evan and Sharice. We've been inseparable since.

The only sleepovers I ever went to were with Evan and Sharice. And those weren't real sleepovers. We just hung out with each other until we were too tired to go home. But right now, here I was, opening my eyes to wake up on Izzie Stewart's couch. I got up and stretched but was disappointed to see the other side of the couch empty. There was a pink blanket on top of me and I was confused because I did not remember having one last night. Did Izzie put it on me when I was asleep?

I heard someone come out of the kitchen and I whipped my head around to see Quinn. She was holding a coffee mug. "I got no sleep last night! The girls kept kicking me!" She said and I chuckled. "Where is everyone?" I asked. "Everyone else went home and Izzie's been at the cafe since 7. The early morning crowd is crazy," She replied, taking a sip of her coffee. "She told me to tell you that you can hang around and watch TV if you want. Unfortunately, I can't hang around I got a stupid project to work on. See ya Gardner!" Quinn said, patting my head.

Well this is awkward... The moment Quinn walked out I sighed. I turned on the TV and scrolled through Netflix but nothing seemed to entice me. Going to Izzie's cafe was at the back of my mind but I was honestly nervous to hang out with Izzie alone. She may not even be available to hang with me right? She has to run the cafe. "Oh fuck it," I muttered to myself and switched off the TV.

I made my way to Maison's and Izzie's face immediately lighted up when she saw me. She had her hair in a bun and was wearing an apron. There was a notebook and a pen in one of the apron pockets and a pair of tongs in her hand. This girl is seriously the death of me. "What are you doing here Newton?" She asked when I walked towards her. "I'm robbing you..." I whispered and she laughed. "I was bored so I decided to come."

"Well lucky for you, our famous Boston cream pies just came out fresh. And you, Newton, being my very special guest-of-honour, gets the very first one for free," She said, ending off with a giggle, that had the power to completely melt my heart. "Is it really the best? I'll be the judge of that," I said, smirking while taking the plate she had slid across the counter towards me. "Henry! Could you take over for a while?" Izzie asked a curly-haired boy who walked out of the kitchen. He smiled and nodded while Izzie left the counter and brought me to an empty table.

"Is that your brother or something?" I asked, remembering that Maison's was Izzie's family business. She shook her head. "He's just some guy my dad hired. He's chill though," She replied. It was really weird that Izzie and Henry were the only ones at the cafe. Shouldn't her parents be here? I didn't wanna press further so I simply nodded. I took a bite of the pie and I actually went to heaven and came back. I closed my eyes for a while, savouring the sweet taste. "Holy shit Izzie! This is phenomenal!" I said, going back to take another bite. "I know. It's my recipe!" She said, bowing down. Dork...

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