Falling Asleep Next To You

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A/N this entire chapter kept playing in my head the entire day so i stopped homework and spilled all my emotions into this one. hope you enjoy!

My heart twisted into knots and it felt tight. My eyes immediately shut closed as I scrambled to sit in front of Izzie, my back pressed against her core. It was the only last chance I had to protect her. I wanted to tell Izzie a million things but I couldn't find it in myself to say anything.

So I shut my eyes, bracing myself for the impact of the bullet, still keeping my fingers intertwined with Izzie who was behind me crying.

If I was going to die, I wanted to die with her by my side.

A menacing chuckle started to erupt and I slowly opened my eyes to see the two men laughing at each other. "Aw, did you guys get scared? We want the smaller one," The men said, walking towards me and Izzie. She sobbed harder as I moved further into her, stretching my arms out. Before they could walk closer, Mr Stewart grabbed both their ankles from the floor, causing them to trip over each other. Unfortunately, he was not strong enough to hold onto that grip and the two men kicked him hard on the face. The sound of the impact made me gasp as Mr Stewart fell back, holding onto his nose that was definitely broken.

The two men groaned once more before walking towards us. "STAY THE FUCK AWAY FROM HER!" I screamed and they stopped in their tracks. "What are you gonna do about it?" They asked and I breathed heavily. "Please... please just leave us alone..." I begged. I knew my body was too weak to fight them. Whatever stuff they had injected into me made my organs feel like mush and I couldn't even stand up without falling back down.

"We had so many years of our life taken away because of THAT MAN!" They said, pointing towards Mr Stewart, who seemed to be lying lifelessly on the floor. "And now we're gonna take away something of his," They muttered, staring straight into my eyes. "She didn't do anything... killing her is not gonna do anything... it's just gonna make you more angry..." I whispered, choking on my tears. The sound of Izzie crying behind me, unable to breath properly and the deathly stare I was receiving from the two men was enough to physically tire me out. But I never let go of Izzie's hand.

One of the men laughed slowly before taking out his gun again and pointing it directly under my neck. I grunted from the pressure of the gun on my neck, breathing heavily and wondering if this was the end. "FUCK! WHO ARE YOU REALLY ANGRY AT?!" Mr Stewart's familiar voice yelled from behind. "Killing you would just be too easy," They said before turning back to me.

"Leave her alone..." Izzie mumbled from behind me and my grip on her hand tightened. I was terrified that she would say something. "You know... you're exactly like your father... a pathetic, unworthy nobody. When J puts this bullet through your heart and your brain you're gonna thank him for taking you out of your misery," He mumbled, his face dangerously close to Izzie's.

I gathered all my energy and lifted my hands up to push him away before kicking him straight in the ankles. He fell down with a loud bang and held onto his ankle, moaning in pain. "DON'T FUCKING TALK TO HER LIKE THAT!" I screamed and before I knew it, the other man's fist came straight to my face. The impact caused my head to jerk back and hit Izzie's shoulder and I heard her gasp and cry even louder. She put her arm around me and placed her hand on my chin. Unable to put my head back up, I stared straight into her eyes that were now clouded with fear and dread. I had never seen anything like it before.

Suddenly, Izzie's touch on my body disappeared as the men started to pull her away from me. I desperately tried to grab her as she screamed but my body was too weak to move and I couldn't even shout. I had managed to get a hold of her arm but with a strong yank, the men completely pulled her away. "Iz... IZZIE!" I managed to scream out but I felt a piercing pain through my chest.

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