Your Father and You

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"SHE'S GONE!" I screamed, startling Mr Stewart awake. I frantically ran all around the house in tears, hoping to find her in some nook of the house. When I finally accepted the fact that she was completely not here, I fell to my knees as all the terrible assumptions of what could have happened to her came rushing through my mind.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck..." Mr Stewart muttered, scrambling to get off the mattress. I called Izzie at least 12 times but the phone cut to voicemail immediately. "She's... she's gone..." I choked as the tears fell uncontrollably from my face.

"Please... please Mr Stewart we need to leave... we gotta find her..." I cried, crawling desperately to him, who was sitting down on the couch, his hands over his face, deep in thought.

The ache I felt in my heart was unlike anything I'd ever felt before. I was so scared and so helpless and for some reason, couldn't find it in my muscles to move.

"Alright... alright... it's okay... if J has her he wouldn't have done anything yet... he'll want me to see him kill her..." He whispered and I sobbed louder, not wanting to think for even a second about the possibility of Izzie dying.

"FUCK!" I yelled, throwing the pillow across the room, desperate to get all my feelings out so that I would eventually become numb.

"Casey... we can get her back. But the only way we can is if you trust me. You have to do everything I tell you to do. Just like at work."

I looked at him and took fast breaths, still controlling my tears before I slowly nodded.

As much as I hate to admit it, Mr Stewart had become a very trustworthy figure in my life. Even though I may not have the best relationship with him, the love he has for Izzie is amazing and I understand how it is like to love a girl like her. Just like me, he would do anything for her. And right now, he was my only source of hope to get Izzie back.

I wiped my tears and he allowed me to catch my breath as he pulled me towards him so that my face was pressed against his chest. "She'll be okay," He reassured me.

There was something about hugging him that was just so comforting. Maybe it was the fact that my dad and I had drifted lately and I just wanted an understanding father figure in my life right now.

"I know what to do," He said, standing up. I stood up with him and followed him to his room. He used his keys and unlocked one of the cupboards. I looked inside and saw the spread of weapons he had kept inside. Knives, guns, bullets, all the works.

My eyes widened as I looked up at him. He grabbed some of those weapons and stuffed them in his bag. "Trust me we'll need these," He said. "I don't know how to use a gun," I told him and he smirked. "That's why I'll be the one holding it and not you."

After grabbing a few more things, we rushed out of the house and into his car. Thankfully, after having built his empire and making his business one of the best in the world, he could afford a fast sports car which was what we needed now.

"We're gonna go see the guy that did the autopsy for Carter, William and Tyler," He told me and I felt my heart drop. "He was my friend back in high school. I'm sure he would allow us to take a look. We may be able to find something."

"But didn't YOU kill them? Shouldn't you know what the autopsy reports say?" I asked him and he sighed.

"I don't mean to give you any nightmares but when I killed them, I snuck up from behind and stabbed them straight through the heart. Let them bleed out as I cut them up even more and then put them in the bags to throw in the river. I had to do it quick. It didn't occur to me to check if they had any belongings. And we can find those belongings at the autopsy place."

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