The Day You Realized You Loved Me Too

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That day was first day we woke up in the same bed. Last night, I had reminded myself to turn off my alarm so that we could lay together for as long as possible on this rainy Sunday afternoon. I looked down and saw that Izzie was laying in my arms and clutching onto my sweatshirt. Her face was still tense from yesterday so I gently rubbed my thumb across her cheek and saw the tension disappear, making me smile. She started to move more, indicating that she was going to get up. I was happy because that meant I could start my day with her but also disappointed because I could watch this girl sleep for hours. She was confused for a while when she opened her eyes but her frown turned into a smile when she saw me. "Morning Newton, you are such a loud snorer," She giggled and I rolled my eyes before getting off the bed, letting her head to fall back onto the bed. "Hey! Come back! I'm sorry," She said and I smiled at her. "Are you feeling better?" I asked, going back to sit down next to her. She nodded her head and smiled slightly.

"Thank you... for... for letting me stay here," She whispered and I could see how genuinely thankful she was in her eyes. "It's no problem Iz, really. No need to thank me," I said, and put my hand on her cheek. I felt it get warm as I looked into her eyes. The sudden boost in confidence caused me to put a strand of her hair, that was hanging over her face, behind her ear. She closed her eyes for a split second before looking at me and I flashed her a small smile. "Umm... what do you wanna do today?" I asked.

"Oh actually Newton I gotta head back soon," She said, and I felt my heart drop. Dad was at work, Elsa was at a friend's and Sam had gone to see Paige so the house was empty for me and Izzie. Now I was going to be bored here alone. "Gotta head back to the cafe?" I asked.

She paused for a while before answering. "No, I'm gonna meet my boyfriend. You know Nate? I promised I would hang out with him soon." Wow, okay. That hurt. I simply nodded and got off the bed. "You okay Newton? Were you planning to do something with me?" She asked.

       Yeah... maybe sleep in, watch a movie, make out???

"Nope. Go have fun," I said, forcing a smile that she returned. "Is it fine if I take a shower?" She asked and I nodded. I dragged my feet down the stairs and went into the kitchen. I made myself a bowl of cereal before sitting down in front of the TV. I switched mindlessly between shows, trying to take my mind off my disappointment. At that moment, I heard a knock on the front door. I opened the door and was confused to see a man standing outside. I raised my eyebrow in question and he smirked. "Hi, I'm Nate. You're Casey right?" He asked and I clenched my teeth. He looked me up and down. Creep...

"You're here for Izzie?" I asked, stepping aside to let him enter. "Yes, I am finally bringing her on a date. We haven't hung out for a whole month because of her stupid track training," He said. "Maybe it's because track is important to her? And she wants it in her future?" I said and he half-laughed. "I am her future too. I am the one for Izzie in case you didn't know."

Goddamnit I hate the guy...

"Hey baby!" I heard her voice and we both turned around to see Izzie coming down the stairs. She was wearing her classic hoop earrings and looked absolutely gorgeous as usual. Nate is so lucky...

Nate walked towards Izzie before pulling her in for a deep kiss which he didn't break for a long time. I rolled my eyes and sucked the inside of my cheeks. Izzie was the first to pull away and I was happy to see that she didn't seem to enjoy it. She quietly cleared her throat, clearly uncomfortable that he had done that in front of me. "Um anyways, I see that you guys have met!" Izzie said, walking towards me. "You seem to make friends very quick Casey. You've only been at Clayton for what a day?" Nate asked and I stared at him. "Well, she bonded with the track team during the officiation," Izzie explained, grabbing her bag. "You guys already had an officiation? And didn't invite me?" He asked, kissing Izzie on the cheek. "Babe, this is for the track team only. The last one was a one-time thing when you came," She laughed. Nate kept staring at me and I didn't know if it was because he hated me or because he was checking me out. Either way I was uncomfortable. "Come on baby let's go," He said, taking Izzie's hand and bringing her out of the house.

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