It's Forever With You

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I my eyes and immediately closed them when the sun's rays hit my eyes. I shuffled around and felt a figure next to me and that's when I remembered that Izzie stayed over last night. The thoughts that had been clouding my mind the last couple of days hit me again. I moved slowly and wrapped Izzie in the remaining blankets. We still had 10 minutes to sleep but I couldn't seem to close my eyes again. I got off the bed and hopped into the shower. I knew that Izzie wouldn't be able to stay here forever but I was willing to keep her here for as long as possible.

When I got out of the shower, Izzie was starting to stir awake. "Good morning," I said, with a smile on my face, hoping to start off her day on the right note. She smiled back and reached her arms out and I immediately knew that she wanted a hug. I was tying my tie while walking towards Izzie. I bent down until my face was inches from hers. I planted a quick kiss on her lips as she tugged on my tie. She continued to tie my tie for me as I stared into her eyes. "Hey, would it be okay with you if I don't go to school today?" She asked me and I smiled at her. "Of course Iz, I'll tell Crowley you got the flu or something," I said. It was obvious she was physically and mentally too tired to go to school today so I just let her be.

"I'll be back soon," I said, grabbing my bag before leaving. I ran down the stairs, hoping to avoid Elsa and I was surprised to see Sharice, Evan and Zahid downstairs. "Casey Gardner!" Zahid exclaimed. "What are you guys doing here?" I asked. "Picking Sam up for school. How's Clayton been?" Evan asked. "It's been fine I guess. I really gotta go," I said, running out of the door and they didn't bother to stop me.

I know I've been neglecting all my Newton friends recently but I had no choice. My mind was constantly wrapped around Izzie and track and now this stupid situation with her dad. Once I got to school, I walked straight to my locker and saw the track team there, waiting for me and Izzie. "Izzie didn't come today?" Penelope asked and I nodded. "She's got the flu," I said and they nodded. "Izzie never misses school. She's got a world class immune system," Quinn said and I couldn't help but laugh. "So tell us the truth girl. Are you and Izzie dating?" She then continued and my cheeks burned up. "You guys are so nosy," I said, closing my locker. "I'll take that as a yes?" Quinn said. "Yes! I told you guys. You all owe me $50!" Tanya said and the entire team groaned. "You guys were betting on us?" I asked, dumbfounded. "I'm so happy for you guys! What's the ship name? Cazzie?" Quinn asked, putting her arm around my shoulder which I pushed off and laughed. "I don't know what we are yet... or what we're going to be...." I mumbled, thinking about her dad again. "But yeah... we're definitely more than friends," I said.

"Crowley ain't gonna be happy about this," Penelope said. "Well she kinda already knows. Caught us making out in the auditorium the other day. That's why Izzie and I are completely banned from being near each other at training," I explained. "So that's why Izzie's always in a mood during training," Tanya said and the rest laughed while I rolled my eyes. I looked at my phone to see that I had a message from Nate.

The girls were engaged in another topic of conversation so it was an opportunity for me to look at his message.

Unknown: Izzie's dad asked me where she is
"I don't know where she is. And why is her dad talking to you?"
Unknown: My dad's his lawyer remember? And he knows Izzie and I had a thing
"I seriously don't know where she is."
Unknown: Then shouldn't you be really worried?
"I have to get to class."

I sighed and put down my phone. "You ladies ready to head for lab?" I asked and we all walked down the corridors to the Chemistry lab. I loved lab lessons because it was the one class that the entire track team had together so obviously we made it extremely difficult for the teacher. Unfortunately, I had no partner today because Izzie usually is so I sat there trying to perform the experiments myself. "Casey you didn't even use the right chemical," Quinn said, laughing as she looked over to me. "Ugh, I usually let Izzie do everything since she's a huge Chem nerd," I replied. I looked over at Mr Jarvis who was marking some papers at the teacher's desk. I sneakily took out my phone and placed it on my lap before going to Izzie's contact.

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