-The Importance of Comments-
It's a cold drizzling snowfilled Sunday morning in the US on the eastcoast this first day of March and I want to read stories like you guys but I've committed myself to now being a writer of three stories on Wattpad and my head is full of what I want to say in the next chapter of "Resume Of Romance before I lose the thoughts as well as wanting to read some of the stories I see you all commenting on in my Newsfeed. Some of your comments really make me want to stop what I'm writing and click on that story to read it. I also have to say some of your comments on my own chapters of all three of my stories make me go back and look at what the heck I wrote or misspelled.... (The stories are unedited right now and this is not an advertisement for editors)
It doesn't matter if it's a paragraph, sentence or just one word. I've often clicked on a story to find out why you chose that one word so it's all good. Some of your comments clarify a part in the story that I've worried over and rewritten several times hoping you would get it. Seeing comments that show you got what I'm trying to communicate when I've struggled with it are the best because they make me push on with the story hoping you understand what's going to happen next. I'm sure it's the same for most writers and any writer that says they don't care needs to stop writing and just keep their thoughts to themselves in their heads.....or they are Lying.
I'm reading your thoughts, comments, tears and complaints in my notifications and Newsfeeds daily. My library is growing to an outrageous number of stories to read based on them. I'm thinking Okay I'll get around to reading a chapter of one of these stories and I usually do in some breakaway moment. Keep posting your comments for writers. They are sort of a payment for a writter on a free website and they matter and their important.......Thank You.......

Resume Of Romance
RomantikRylie's breath catches in her throat. Moving closer on the bed she wants to touch, she wants to caress the smattering of fine hair across his chest. As the covers slip further down her eyes are stuck on his well-defined abs. Really...she was hugg...