Chapter 65
It's been a couple of months since Aiden's disappearance. It would seem to be a better world without him being around but what there is, is uncertainty. Sharna came out of her coma about a month ago but remains in a private hospital going through painful physical therapy to recover from her wounds. The physiological effect of what happened to her is showing in the way she responds toward men. Right now her number two enemy is her father. She refuses to see him.
Rowland Preston watches at the entrance to an exercise room in the facility his daughter has been placed. He knows she feels that she hasn't always had his love and support. His career always came first. He can't recall the pecking order he placed her even in his three marriages over the years. What he does know is Sharna has always tried to please him. She stayed in a marriage he knew she wasn't happy to be a part of after a while, but he forced her to stay in it through his control. Aiden knew she wasn't happy and wanted to leave. Instead of working on their marriage he used it to his advantage.
Rowland's phone buzzes again, it's another text message from Richard Braxton telling him they will be late. He is supposed to meet him and Chace in about an hour. The Braxton's expect him to reveal how he ensured that his daughter will never have to worry about Senator Aiden Layton ever again. He believes either Richard or Chace will be wearing a wire. No one understands better than he the friendships you gain, the power and money that can be obtained as a popular Senator with the right connections. He decided Aiden's fate and he doesn't regret it as he watches from a distance Sharna's smile after taking her first step without crutches or assistance.
The news media coverage of Senator Layton beating his wife and his mysterious Winchester, VA disappearance was incessant for about a month. Now it's died down to with speculation Aiden escaped to another country getting away with what he did.
The news still focuses on what happened at The Mansion, but the person the spotlight is turned on now is Monique Cameron. Several news outlets are portraying her as the scapegoat for what went on there while others portray her as having a much bigger role and influence as a sort of Madame. That bit of a lie is coming from Asa James and some of the women that worked there. They are doing whatever it takes to save themselves from additional prison time.
Monique is pacing back and forth in Emilio's office. He pounds his fist on his desk for the second time.
"Monique, you've got to tell everything that happened or this won't work." He says to her for the third time.
"I know that Em, don't you think I know that. Who told you to get my damn trial moved up anyway? I'm not ready for this, it's too soon. Emilio please, I want to spend more time with my little girl. Chace is letting me live in his magnificent townhouse, I have it all to myself. For the first time in my life I don't have strange men pawing all over me because it's my job. I can talk to my sister, our relationship is better. We have lunch together, go shopping and have family dinners on Sunday at that grumpy old loveable Richard Braxton's house. I'm happy right now Em. Rylie's going to have a baby and get married, if we have this trail now I'm not going to be around to see any of it." Monique sniffles and plops down in the nearest chair.
Emilio holds his head down, rubbing his eyes. Her trial is in a couple of weeks. He knows everything she says is true but they are stuck. Aiden is still missing and the video from Gavin's death hasn't been found yet. He was working toward a deal with the FBI before Aiden disappeared. The deal on the table was for her to testify against Asa James and Senator Layton but that deal has now disappeared along with the disappearance of Senator Layton. The Braxton's are paying all of her legal fees. They have a private detective continually looking for the video and Aiden.

Resume Of Romance
RomanceRylie's breath catches in her throat. Moving closer on the bed she wants to touch, she wants to caress the smattering of fine hair across his chest. As the covers slip further down her eyes are stuck on his well-defined abs. Really...she was hugg...