**This chapter is __________________.
Chapter 56
Gavin makes his way to the entrance of the banquet hall not realizing how much security is around until he reaches the first checkpoint. Security is everywhere, the Senator must have his full security detail with him tonight. The door to the hall is open he tries to look inside, he can see Richard Braxton walking away from Ivana she looks upset. He takes a step closer then stops startled where he stands.
Rylie, her sister Monique and a woman he remembers seeing at the Mansion walk a few feet in front of him coming from the restroom he suspects. The tight security standing around keeps him from sliding under one of the ropes that are used to keep uninvited guests out. Gavin looks around him for another way inside. One of the men standing guard at the end of the hallway just slipped inside the men's restroom leaving an opening. He takes his chance slipping under the rope and trying to hurry over to a group of people talking to give the impression that he is a part of their conversation.
They show him fake smiles but mostly ignore him. He walks off trying to avoid the guards he is sure will recognize him. He still hasn't figured out what to say to Ivana yet. He spots Rylie across the room. She isn't with 'him.' Gavin stares at her along time, something about her looks different. She's flushed and her eyes are shining. She looks 'happy' he thinks. Looking around the room for Chace, he finds him talking to another woman. Her back is to Gavin, he can't see her face until she lays her arm on Chace's shoulder he shakes it off. Gavin recognizes her as the Senator's wife.
Although he hates Chace he relates to the look he's giving Sharna Layton as she speaks to Chace the woman is very controlling. Gavin doesn't care for women like her. His attorney informed him that the Senator was cutting all ties to him because his wife demanded it. It took several days of back and forth conversations with the attorney as the go between for him to convince Aiden to relent. He had to threaten to tell of Aiden's alternate lifestyle to the press for him to finally pay his bail.
Gavin discreetly walks around the room stopping to get himself a drink he gulps it down then waits at the bar for another when he's approached by the man of the hour himself.
"What are you doing here, you have to leave right away." Aiden's eyes dart around the room cautiously, Gavin takes his ordered drink from the bartender taking a sip and savoring it on his tongue he's in no hurry to move.
"Why should I leave Aiden I thought we were friends. Isn't this gathering for your loyal friends and associates, suckers and sinners? So many of the rich and powerful are here tonight all of them connected to you in some way. I see a few of the women from the Mansion have made it discreetly into this place but you don't want me here?" Gavin says innocuously taking another enjoyed sip of his drink.
"Are you out of your mind, the police are looking for you. You stupid fool, you killed Kayla and buried the murder weapon next to your dead dog in your neighbor's backyard. I had no idea you killed her. Why-why did you do it?" Aiden glowers at Gavin trying to control his own anger.
"Oh don't pretend like you care Aiden. You think Monique is the only one that knows everything about you. Shame I had to kill Kayla, she was beautiful and just too gullible where men are concerned. Monique told her about you, she gave her the client's lists, only it's not just Asa James client list like everybody thinks it is, is it Aiden?" Gavin ask him.

Resume Of Romance
RomanceRylie's breath catches in her throat. Moving closer on the bed she wants to touch, she wants to caress the smattering of fine hair across his chest. As the covers slip further down her eyes are stuck on his well-defined abs. Really...she was hugg...