Chapter 49
Emilio makes his way down the hallway to Chace's office. Evelyn greets him telling him to go on in Chace is waiting for him.
Chace is standing at the window with his hands in his pockets, his back is to Emilio his shoulders are stiff. Emilio worries about his best friend. He has repeatedly helped him get Jayson out of several messes he's created or fallen into. Emilio knows Chace has never said no to helping out Jayson or his father. He promised his mother as she lay dying in his arms that he would take care of them both as she requested.
This time things are different, there are too many innocent others being placed in harm's way. Jayson's actions this time have ricocheted his family's lives and the reputation of the company into a situation that is tenuously controlled. There are several links to the situation they have yet to figure out.
His friend is also carrying another type of worry. He appears worried about his future. He and Chace have talked several times about his growing relationship with Rylie, he knows his friend has fallen in love.
Chace turns around hearing the door to his office close. After the two men greet each other and talk about Emilio's family's visit back to LA for a few days, Chace goes to his desk to retrieve his PC tablet handing it to Emilio.
"Take a close look at minutes 4:35 and 7:56 of the Senator's rally this weekend. Rylie and I were next door at the car dealership. I had a conversation with the Senator and Sharna but I didn't see any evidence of this." Chace says waiting for Emilio's response as Emilio speeds to the parts of the video Chace wants him to watch.
"Chace....this doesn't prove anything, him being at that rally. His law firm probably has made donations to his campaign." Emilio says lying the tablet on the desk.
Chace takes the tablet from the desk turning it back on to minute 4:35, he hands it back to Emilio. "How is it that Mason ended up being Monique's attorney? He's not a criminal attorney any more than you are but that's the reason that was given why you were fired from her case."
"Mason and his law firm sent a criminal attorney over to speak with her but it's been Mason that's been by to see her since her arraignment. Monique told Rylie when she visited her Mason offered to defend her for free because of their relationship. He convinced Monique to let him help her as a way to show Rylie he still cares. He isn't doing a damn thing to get her out on bail, he's just trying to get her to tell him everything she knows about what went on at that Mansion." Chace explains.
"What are you saying Chace, he's not there for those reasons, he's there because of the Senator? He wants to know the names from the missing pages?" Emilio questions looking at the video again closer this time his brows crease in a frown when he notices something he didn't see before.
"You see it, would you say that there is chemistry between Mason and Sharna, I remember how affectionate she can be when she wants something from you." Chace replies.
"Yeah, they look cozy together. Believe me, it's been years but I still remember how passionate Sharna can be. I don't know of any other couple that has had to deal with an ex-girlfriend of the best-man storming into the wedding rehearsal to get him because he refused to come to her wedding with the guy that came after him." Emilio remarks sarcastically.
"We went to the rally after we picked out Rylie a new car. Mason wasn't anywhere around while we were there maybe purposely. I caught this on one of the cable news recaps. No one in the media mentioned it on any of the news channels I watched. I don't know how well they know each other, she might just be using him. For all I know her and the Senator are in this together." Chace pulls out the bi-fold flier that was being passed around at the rally handing it to Emilio.

Resume Of Romance
RomanceRylie's breath catches in her throat. Moving closer on the bed she wants to touch, she wants to caress the smattering of fine hair across his chest. As the covers slip further down her eyes are stuck on his well-defined abs. Really...she was hugg...