Chapter 11
The small room Chace drags Margo into has a long quartz color fiberglass table and contemporary chairs filling it. He lets her arm go then slams the door shut so hard its hinges rattle. Margo has become accustomed to having things her own way since her marriage to Jayson. As their separation becomes more known people have stopped being so accommodating to her she doesn't like it.
"Margo don't you ever come up in my building and do that shit again. What do you want Jayson is on a leave of absence." Chace yells at her his anger is palpable.
Tossing her Prada purse on the conference room table she's not bothered when some of its contents slide out on the slick surface. She likes Chace has tried several times to sleep with him unsuccessfully she didn't know that he was working here. She has to find out for how long he's an astute man he can figure out what she's up to before she gets what she wants.
"A leave of absence?" She mocks. Is that what you're calling it Chace. He's been absent from home for more than two weeks. No one has seen him, his airplane is missing from its airport hanger. Just tell me where he is and I'll go. I'm sure he's off somewhere with that assistant of his. He did nothing but talk about her non-stop before we separated. He's with her all day late into the evenings. Have you ever seen them together Chace? I'm sure their having sex in his office and anywhere else he thinks he can get away with having her....."
"You don't know what you're talking about. The only thing I meant by he's on a leave of absence is he hasn't been here for a couple of weeks and I don't know when he's coming back. You've got him so twisted up in this divorce he needed some time to himself." Chace answers.
Margo snickers walking over to the conference room table she pulls out a chair turning it around to face him she sits in it. "Chace....Chace....Chace." Her voice drawls while crossing her legs and picking up a pack of cigarettes off the table that fell out of her purse. "I've got him twisted up?" She punctuates every word. "You haven't seen the two of them together. That dark haired whore has had him under her spell since the day he started working with her." She remarks.
"Don't call her that?" Chace snaps at her, his face revealing his annoyance. He's looking forward to seeing Rylie this morning at their meeting.
"Call her what.... a whore, that's what she is I want her fired or I'm naming her in the divorce. Since he started working with her he hasn't come home on time. Over the last year he leaves early and comes home late sometimes not at all. He even spends his weekends with her claiming their working....hah...he forgets I'm the brains in this marriage, their screwing each other, that's what they're doing." She gestures waving the pack of cigarettes around in her hand.
Chace pinches the bridge between his nose unable to believe he has to deal with this.
Pulling a cigarette out of the package Margo puts it in her mouth then grabs her lighter to light up. Chace is leaning against the conference room door he's had enough. "Get up Margo." He reaches out snatching the unlit cigarette out of her mouth. Breaking it in half he throws it in the trashcan nearby. Standing next to her chair with his hand on the back of it he swing it so that he's standing directly in front of her glaring down at her. "You can't smoke in here, you can't sit in here or stand in my reception area. I want you out of my building and don't bring your ass back. Go now or do you need me to help you leave...."
"Chace?" She says, anxiously looking up at him. "You don't mean that I'm your sister-in-law." She stands up leaning forward placing her hands on his handsomely suited chest. He removes them holding both of her hands in one of his.

Resume Of Romance
RomanceRylie's breath catches in her throat. Moving closer on the bed she wants to touch, she wants to caress the smattering of fine hair across his chest. As the covers slip further down her eyes are stuck on his well-defined abs. Really...she was hugg...