Chapter 2- On the case!

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Vera waited against the wall of the Eastern Motel as Lieutenant Anderson spoke to another detective. The android, Connor, had his eyes closed further away. As soon as he opened them, she made her way over to him.

"Excuse me, Connor?"


"My name is Vera." She cleared her throat. "I'm looking for RA9... I've heard that androids are obsessed with the name."

Connor cocked his head, squinting. "You're not an android. How did you find this out? And only deviants write obsessively about RA9. I haven't been able to figure it out."

"Then let me tag along. I can help you figure it out. I can fend for myself."

"I answer only to Lieutenant Anderson. I cannot speak for him." His eyes glanced over to Hank, who was still talking and writing notes.

Vera scowled for a second. "Then I'll go ask him." For the mission... She took a deep breath and sauntered over to the older man.

"Excuse me, Lieutenant Anderson?"

He stared round at her, fatigue plain on his face. "What can I do for you?" He sighed, face straining into a tired smile.

"I want to join on your investigation. I know I'll be an asset to finding these deviants, and I can take care of myself."

Hank's eyebrows shot up, but he eventually shook his head.

"I don't make the rules, sorry." He shrugged. He suddenly glared in Connor's direction. "I don't even wanna be working with him."

"Connor needs me to help him find RA9. It might be something to do with these deviants." Vera sighed. "Come on, Lieutenant, you need another pair of hands on the job to catch these deviants. I may not be an android, but I have my own skills."

Hank crossed his arms with a crooked smile. He shrugged again. "Uh Jesus... Alright, talk to Fowler when we get back to the station. See what he says."

"Thank you." Before she could say more, Hank barked at Connor:

"Connor! Come on, we're going back to the station. Then I'm going for lunch. Bullshit makes me hungry!"


Chicken Feed 3:02pm

Vera sat in the back of Hank's car as they rolled up to the Chicken Feed van. As they stopped, an empty beer bottle clinked against her boot. She picked it up and put it in the door compartment with the dog lead she found.

Hank stepped out of the car, shouting "Whoa! Hey! Hey! Hey!" as a car stopped in front of him. Vera didn't wait for Connor to get out of the car. She was already pretty hungry.

"Hank! How you doing?" The guy in the van yelled.

"Eh, you know, same old shit," Hank replied, shrugging.

"Plastic with you?"

"Only temporary..."

Vera sidled up to Hank's left side, placing her hands on the counter. She scanned the menu, biting her lip in concentration. Her stomach growled in protest.

"Hey, hey, hey, Hank! How you doin' man? Hey, listen, I got a shit-hot tip for you..." A younger man approached them speaking loudly to Hank as he threw his hands into his pockets. Vera drowned him out as she saw Connor approach.

"Hey, um, could I order?" She raised her voice to the man flipping burgers. He raised an eyebrow at her but listened as she asked for one. She put a few dollars down onto the counter.

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