Chapter 17- Duty Calls

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November 12th

9:14am- Detroit Police Department


Vera smirked as she watched Ruby slam down papers on Captain Fowler's desk through the glass walls of his office. Hank and Connor had gone to get coffee for them before they went out on a case, so Ruby had taken this opportunity to put herself before Fowler.

Finn sidled up beside Vera. "She scares me sometimes," he whispered, and Vera laughed.

"She's too nice and you know it. For an assassin anyway."

"Every assassin is different. But empathy is what sets us apart from the others." He shrugged, grinning. "You know I always like to have a bit of fun with the Templars."

Vera rolled her eyes, although a small smile graced her lips.

"Yeah, I've noticed. That's why I begged the Council members not to make me work with you again."

Finn punched her arm lightly. "That's bloody rude. I think I'm amazing..."

Vera side-eyed him. "Yeah... Exactly. That's also the reason you're so reckless."

"I'm not reckless. I just... have different methods."

Vera snorted. But Ruby was coming back, her face thunderous. Nothing like her usual sweet features.

Vera shared a worried glance with Finn as Ruby strode up to them.

"What happened?" Finn asked.

"I put my papers in front of him. I thought that would just gently push him towards hiring me and I could just go on cases..." She threw her hands in the air. "Nope. I'm with Gavin and Nines..."

Vera snickered. "Ohh. Gavin is not going to be pleased."

Ruby glared at her. "I'm surprised you're even allowed to step foot in here without every cop in Detroit falling over each other to arrest you."

Vera didn't take the bait. "Nines cleared my name. Hank made sure before we got here."

"What's going on here?" Hank asked behind them, carrying the coffees.

"I'm partnered with Gavin and Nines from now on." Ruby scowled.

"Speak of the devil..." Finn said under his breath.

Gavin sauntered in, looking more annoyed than Ruby had a few minutes ago. Nines, however, looked anxious, trailing closely behind his partner. He almost looked tired. As much as an android could look tired. Gavin was in the process of lighting a cigarette when Nines peered at him.

"Those will kill you. You should stop." Gently, but firmly.

Gavin half-turned to glare at the android, putting the cigarette between his lips and taking a deep breath in. Nines plucked it from Gavin's lips and crushed it between his own fingers without blinking.

Before Vera could pull in a sharp breath, Ruby had placed herself between the partners. Gavin's fingers remained curled into fists, held in the air like time had been frozen.

"What the fuck are you doing?" He demanded through gritted teeth.

"I'm trying to keep you alive, Detective—"

"Not you!" Gavin snapped. He looked pointedly at Ruby. "You! What are you doing?"

"What does it look like?" Ruby retorted. "If I have to work with you, then I have to make sure you won't kill each other."

Gavin recoiled. "What—"

"Are you sure that's a good idea?" Nines interrupted swiftly.

"It wasn't my idea." Ruby crossed her arms, inclining her head in the direction of Fowler's office.

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