Chapter 3- Remember me...

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The journey from the train station was cold and slow. Kara stopped a few times to check on Alice who was trembling with cold. But all three adults were determined to push on.

"Do you know how much farther this address is?" Caleb asked Kara as they came into a street.

"Not much farther," she replied, smiling at Alice reassuringly.

Ten minutes later, Kara pointed to a dark, foreboding house that was surrounded by a wall and metal bars. The porchlight flickered.

Alice sniffed, wiping rain from her cheeks. Kara bent down, cupping Alice's face in her hands.

"You gonna be okay? We'll get some help here. Soon, this will all be a bad memory." She turned to the others. "This is the place."

"I don't like this," Ruby muttered, frowning.

"We've seen worse," Caleb reminded her.

Kara rang the doorbell. Twice. Then a man with a scruffy beard and piercing dark eyes, opened the door ajar.

"Are you Zlatko?" Kara asked slowly.

"Who's asking?"

"I was told you could help us."

He began to retreat. "I don't know who told you that. You came to the wrong place. I'm sorry." The man began to close the door, but Kara was faster. She slammed her hand against the wood.

"Wait! We really need your help."

"Please, Sir," Ruby interrupted as his eyes landed on Alice.

Zlatko nodded, sighing. Then he opened the door wider.

"Come in." Kara and Alice sidled past him closely followed by Ruby and Caleb.

Caleb shivered suddenly and Zlatko smiled.

"So, you must have had a long journey, huh? Make yourselves at home, don't be shy." A tall, dark man entered the hall. He towered over them and Alice cowered behind Kara. "Luther, would you be so kind as to take our guests' coats? Oh, don't be afraid of our big friend here. He's just another android that I helped. He keeps me company in this big empty house." Zlatko shrugged. Kara and Alice took off their coats, but Caleb expressed his wish to keep his jacket on. Ruby politely said the same.

I don't want him getting a hold of our precious weapons.

"Suit yourself," Zlatko continued. He gestured for them to sit as they made their way into the main room. "How did you hear about me?"

"An android... on the street. He said you could help us..." Kara's eyes darted around the room.

"I see. Deviant, huh? What about her? And you two?" He nodded at Alice first, then the two assassins.

"She's human."

"So are we," Ruby added.

Zlatko leant back into the couch. His eyes bulged in the lamplight.

"And? You wanna find a safe place? Somewhere you can start a new life." He paused, nodding. "I hear Canada is very lovely this time of year. Beautiful landscapes, open spaces, clean air. And no android laws. Great place for a fresh start!"

Kara smiled, glancing between Alice and Zlatko.

"Yes, that's exactly what we want..."

"It sounds perfect," Caleb agreed.

"Of course!" Zlatko leant forward, arms resting on his thighs. "I can help you. But first we have to get rid of your tracker."

Caleb shared a glance with Ruby. If there was a tracker, wouldn't all deviants have been found?

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