Chapter 4- Our Fight to Live True!

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7:30pm- Detroit Police Department


Vera sat at Connor's desk, typing furiously into the terminal. She checked her notes to detail correctly what they had found at Rupert's apartment. She sighed heavily. He was still out there. Luckily, Connor had arrived in time to pull Hank back onto the roof from where he dangled. Vera had been just behind Connor. If she'd been faster...

Once Hank was safe, Vera had ran to where Rupert had fled. But she only got to the edge before Hank called after her.

"It's no use. He's gone. It's okay, we know what it looks like. We'll find it."

Connor expressed his regret that he wasn't fast enough, but Hank shook his head.

"You'd have caught it if it weren't for me. That's okay..." He'd muttered again, limping towards the fire escape. "Hey Connor..." Connor turned towards him smoothly, but Hank suddenly decided against it and waved it away. "Nothing."    

Now, Vera rubbed her face with her hands and looked over the terminal. The office was quiet. Most people had gone home or were out on cases, except for a few who were finishing paperwork.

She finally finished typing when someone leant against the desk.

"So, have you replaced that plastic prick then?"

Vera looked up at Gavin, her lip curling into a sneer.

"Don't you have a case to get to?"

Gavin snorted. "Well, isn't Hank supposed to be taking on these cases? And you with him?"

Vera faced the terminal again. "Just be glad someone finally picked you for something, Gavin."

She saw Gavin scowl out of the corner of her eye, and she suppressed the urge to smile. Chris called him from the doorway and Gavin hopped off the desk, shaking his head as he joined him.
Vera turned off the terminal and glanced towards the door where Connor had just arrived. Gavin was in his face already, but Connor didn't seem fazed by him.

She gritted her teeth and grabbed her jacket. Wandering over, she plastered on a sweet smile.

"Is there a problem here?"

Gavin scowled at her again. "Stay out of this."

"Connor is a vital part of this police department, and this investigation. So if you don't take your greasy fingers from his jacket, I'll rip them off."

Chris blinked from the doorway and Gavin made to grab his gun. Vera was faster.

"I wouldn't do that. You know I'm much faster than you, Gavin. It would be a shame to have to clean you off the floor." She placed her gun back into the strap at her waist. Then she turned to Connor. "Hank isn't here. I haven't seen him since... earlier. Let's go and find him at home." She took Connor's arm and lead him out.

"You'll probably find him at some bar!" Gavin called after them. And laughed harshly.


7:51pm- Hank's house

As they stepped from the taxi, the cold air hit them afresh. The rain was still thrashing down but they barely noticed. Hank's house felt too quiet.

Connor knocked on the door. Vera shivered suddenly.

"Lieutenant Anderson!" He called. Then rang the bell. "Anybody home?" He rang the bell again. For longer this time. Connor tilted his head in annoyance.

"I don't think anyone is home." Vera frowned. "But he must be here..."

"He wasn't at Jimmy's Bar, so it is a possibility."

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