Chapter 6- Troubled...

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Hank's house- 1:05am


Vera stared at the phone on the table in front of her, thinking of the last call she had with her fellow assassins. She pushed her hands through her hair.

We'll get there. I just know we will. We have to!

She turned in her chair to look at Connor who sat on the couch, Sumo at his feet. His hands sat in his lap as he stared straight ahead. She almost laughed, turning her body all the way to speak to him. But then Hank barrelled out of the bathroom and towards the front door.

"I'm going out!" He announced, not waiting for anyone to respond as he opened the door.

"Wait, Lieutenant!" Connor cried as he hurried after him. Vera was close behind.

Hank had already started the car when the two leapt in before he could drive away.

"Where are you going?" Vera asked, shivering slightly from the sudden sweep of cold air.

Hank didn't answer. He pulled out of the driveway and carried on towards the edge of the city. They stopped at a store, and when Hank got out, Vera leant forward.

"He's been odd since the Eden Club," she said quietly.

"I can't understand what has troubled him. Perhaps I should ask him." Connor made to leave the car, but Vera grabbed his arm.

"Not yet. It's not the right place."

Hank came out of the store carrying a paper bag with a heavy, bottled-shaped object inside. Vera sighed, but sat back as he started the car again.

He drove to the Ambassador Bridge. It was snowing heavily now, and the benches were covered with it already. The stereo still blared heavy metal songs that bled out of the windows and into the night. The lamplight lit up the tree branches from within. Hank opened the car door and slammed it shut, leaving the engine running. Vera held her breath for a moment, watching him storm towards the furthest bench that overlooked the bridge.

She pulled the handle slowly as she got out, not waiting for Connor to follow her. The cold clung to her like icy fingers gripping her shoulders. She pulled her arms tight around herself, hurrying towards Hank who perched on the top of the bench.


He took a long swig from the bottle. Connor sidled up alongside her, snow settling on his grey jacket.

"Nice view, huh?" Hank grunted, looking out over the bridge. Its lights lit up along the side, the foreground of the city beyond. "I used to come here a lot before..."

"It's beautiful," Vera breathed.

"Before what?" Connor asked, brow furrowing.

"Hm?" Hank hummed, distractedly.

"You said 'I used to come here a lot before.' Before what?"

"Before... Before nothin...'" He shook his head.

Vera sat on the bench, folding in on herself to keep warm. Hank held out the bottle to her. She stared at it, then at him.

"It'll keep you warm," he said quietly.

Sighing through her nose, she took a mouthful and handed it back, grimacing as it burned her throat. Connor crossed his arms in the silence, then turned to them.

"Can I ask you a personal question, Lieutenant?"

Hank scowled, leaning on his thighs with his elbows as he turned to look at the android. He squinted at him.

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