Chapter 8- On Our Way to Freedom!

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5:10pm- Rose's house


The setting sun burned the sky orange and glowed against the powdery white snow as they made their way up the driveway. Rose's farm was in the suburbs, hidden by the vast amount of trees that surrounded the edges. The wind turbines were closer and more in number than the trees.

The house was inviting. A cream colour and covered in snow. The porchlight was on, inviting people to knock. However, not this group. They'd been through enough.

Caleb put up his hand to stop them at the bottom of the porch steps. At least they'd be able to see if anyone was coming in case they needed to run.

"Wait here, I'll knock," he said firmly, nodding to Ruby. As soon as they'd left Pirates Cove, they made an escape plan. Just in case fighting their way out wasn't an option.

He knocked loudly upon the door, below the large wreath. He waited a few moments before ringing the bell.

He frowned at the door, turning to shake his head at the others. Kara led the way around the house towards the backyard. There was a greenhouse, and a young man chopping wood.

"Hello?" Kara began, inching forward slowly. Caleb resisted the urge to stop her going further. "I'm looking for Rose. Is she here?"

The boy stopped but didn't put down the axe. He stared at them, wide-eyed.

"What do you want with her?"

"I need to talk to her."

The boy shook his head firmly. "She doesn't wanna talk. Go away." He started to chop the wood again, pretending that they weren't there.

Kara inched forward again, pleadingly. "Please, I really need to see her."

An older woman with dark, curling hair stepped out from the greenhouse. Her eyes glanced between the group and the boy.

"I'm Rose. What can I do for you?"

Kara spoke, voice trembling. "I was told you could help us."

Rose's eyebrows rose. The boy's face darkened.

"Help you?"

Kara raised her left hand, taking away the 'skin'. Luther joined her side, carrying Alice. Rose took in a sharp breath but smiled.

"Come on, it's better if we talk inside." She looked around nervously, ushering the boy towards the house.

Luther placed his hand on Kara's shoulder as they followed the two inside.

"Do you think we can trust them?"

Caleb shared a glance with Ruby before Kara responded:

"We have to be careful. If it feels wrong, we get out fast, okay?"

"I'm with you," Luther replied.

"Just stay on your guard. They might seem nice, but we should be careful anyway," Ruby murmured.

Caleb opened the door slowly, letting it open fully to take in the surroundings before stepping over the threshold. They were in the kitchen. The curtains had hens printed on them. The table sat in the middle of the room, accompanied by a bowl of fruit. There was a Christmas tree in the far corner of the living room surrounded by pictures of people.

Probably their family...

"Come in!" Rose beamed. Kara held Alice close as they neared the older woman. Luther closed the door behind them. "What's your name?" She asked, leaning down slightly to speak to the child.

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