Chapter 15- New Feelings, Old Fears...

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3:34pm- Hank's House


A small huffing noise woke Vera, and she opened her eyes to see Sumo sniffing her. She laughed sleepily, pushing herself up on the couch. Her shoulder ached but she rolled it as she sat up, spotting Connor at the kitchen table. Rubbing her face, she got up to join him.

"Hey... Are you alright?" Vera bent her head down to look at his lowered face. He was scowling at the kitchen table, but now he raised his head slowly. He glanced around the room before resting his gaze on her.

"I... I'm worried they might still be able to control me. I shouldn't be around people. My people. I put them in danger once. Severely. Amanda will do something to me again..." Connor put his head in his hands.

Vera pursed her lips sadly. Then she reached up and took his hands away from his face.

"Listen to me, nothing is going to happen to you. Or anyone else. You're free now. You stopped them from controlling you on that platform. You didn't shoot Markus." She shifted in her seat, leaning closer. "Connor, you freed thousands of androids and woke them up. You're a real boy now, Pinocchio." She grinned, winking.

Connor frowned at the reference. Then shrugged.

"I suppose. It's like she's always there. Crowing in my ear, threatening to replace me." His eyes lifted to meet Vera's. "Maybe she already has. As soon as I became deviant—"

"Hold on. Don't panic. You're different now. You're not Cyberlife's problem, they can't use you or boss you around anymore, Connor. Live. For yourself, for Hank, for your people..."

"And besides," Ruby continued, sitting at the table between them, "who could replace you, right?"

"What's with the welcoming committee?" asked a gruff voice behind them. Hank stood there, eyes narrowed at the three of them.

Vera's eyes flickered to Connor for a moment. She smiled at Hank.

"It wasn't meant for you, my apologies," she snorted.

"Charming..." He replied with a short grin as he sat. "What's going on?"

"Nothing, Lieutenant," Connor said quickly, fiddling with the cuffs of his new black jacket.

Vera's brow furrowed at him. Then she sighed and stood to make coffee. As she was doing so, Hank cleared his throat.

"I need to pick up some stuff at the station. You guys comin'?"

Vera turned her head sharply. "They haven't fired you, have they?"

Hank gave a short laugh. "No. If they really wanted to, they'd have done it a long time ago. Nah, I have to just pick up some papers, that's all."

"Yeah, we'll come. Why not?!" She shrugged.

4:47pm- Detroit Police Department

Vera's stomach churned as she followed Hank into the police station. It was almost deserted. There were humans behind the reception desk now, except for one female android who eyed them as they came close.

She frowned as Connor tilted his head at her. "I'm here by my own free will. I like this job..."

"You should do what you like. At least you can now..." Ruby smiled uncertainly. One of the human receptionists scowled.

"Let's go." Hank shook his head slightly, walking towards the doors. Vera shared a glance with Ruby.

As they walked through the station, towards Hank's desk, a shout reached them from the cafeteria:

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