Chapter 11- Search and Rescue

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A/N- Before we begin on this perilous but exciting journey, thank you to everyone who's read and voted so far. And also listened to me ramble on about it...

Please enjoy this chapter!!


9:34pm- The Car


The tension was high in the small space of the car as it trundled along the icy road. They had had to squeeze in the back. Four of them in three seats. But they made do.

"It's not too far," Rose had said, giving Alice a reassuring smile. But the poor child held tightly onto Luther anyway.

Kara sat up front, staring out of the window. Her eyes widened as they drove past two androids being beaten and shot.

"They've been conducting raids all over the city," Rose explained quietly. "Everybody is on edge after what happened yesterday... It's gonna be alright, we're almost there."

Kara switched on some music, so jazz filled the aching silence that followed Rose's statement. Ruby felt sick with anticipation, but finally ready to make a progression. She wanted to help them. It was just a matter of time.

The car finally turned and stopped near some dumpsters. They were sheltered here for the time being.

They got out, into the cold. The snow was still coming down fast, but their trembling kept them warm enough.

Rose pointed further down the road. "A little further on that way, there's a large freighter called Jericho. When you get there, find Markus, he'll help you. The last bus for the border leaves at midnight. You absolutely have to be on it. You'll be safer on the other side." She handed Kara a dollar bill with a sad smile. "It's not much, but it's a start. I've given you my brother's address, let us know when you get there safely." She gave Kara a hug. Rose leant down to Alice and gave her a hug too. "You're a brave little girl, Alice. You deserve to be happy."

"Thank you for everything, Rose," Kara whispered, voice shaking.

"We'll make sure they get there. Stay safe." Caleb nodded gratefully.

Rose hugged the assassin's quickly and placed a hand on Luther's arm.

"Take care of them."

Luther nodded, picking up Alice.

"Come on. We'd better not hang around. We have a bus to catch."

They waved to Rose as she got back into her car, not looking back as they left the dumpster area.

As soon as they turned the corner, they could see the side of the freighter. The blue and reddish-brown colours on the side was almost difficult to make out in the darkness. Trashed cars sat along the road, a couple burned. But a new hope had been sighted so they hurried towards Jericho as fast as they could.

"Do you think Vera is here?" Ruby asked Caleb as they spotted the name 'Jericho' painted on the side.

Caleb shrugged lightly. "I have no idea. Depends if they found it for themselves. I wouldn't like the cops getting a whiff of this place right now." He craned his neck to look up at the mass of the freighter.

"No. Me neither. I don't like keeping it from her though."

"She'll understand. Let's just help them get these passports."

There were a lot more androids in Jericho than they thought. A lot of them stood in the corridors and gave them directions towards the hold.

Ruby began to feel outnumbered. Like all eyes were on her. Even if no one was taking much notice of them.

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