Chapter 16- Safe Spaces, Familiar Faces

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6:02pm- Jericho Remastered.


There were many androids bustling around the church, carrying boards of wood and tools to fix the roof. Some were carrying desks and chairs into the building.

They followed Connor over to two androids who were chatting at the door. They glanced suspiciously at the others behind him.

Connor raised his hand. "It's fine. They're with me. Is Markus here?"

"Yes, he's just overseeing the maintenance inside. Go right in," the blond android smiled. Although they watched the humans closely as they went by.

Inside, laughter shot from all corners of the church hall. The sun streamed through the stain-glass windows, striping the newly placed pews. It looked more homely with the pews facing each other and the roof almost completely patched up. Blue blood machines were dotted against the walls.

Finally, enough for everyone...

Ruby spotted Markus across the room, kneeling next to a small girl. North stood next to him, looking down at them. The little girl stopped speaking as they approached and tilted her head at Ruby.

"You're the girl in the memories..." she said quietly.

Ruby blanched. "What do you mean?" Markus stood to let Ruby kneel across from the girl.

"The man who saved me. I saw his memories before he helped me get away. I knew he was dying... But I thought he would have a chance to live too."

Ruby listened silently, biting her lip. Then she smiled a little.

"It's okay, all that matters is that you got out of there in one piece. Caleb knew what he was doing." She blew out a breath. "What's your name?"

The girl tilted her head again, scanning the assassin's face.

"My name is Elira." She grasped Ruby's arm as the latter stood. "You were the person he thought about when he was shot, I was the second and he, himself, was the third. He cared for you. A lot."

Ruby pressed her lips together and nodded at Elira in thanks. She turned away quickly. Finn placed a hand on her shoulder.

"Markus?" Connor cut in, moving to the front of the group. The leader of Jericho lifted his head as Connor moved towards him. "How are things coming along here?"

Markus took in a deep breath as he looked around.

"Good. Finally, we're making some progress here. I think this is a sacred place for everybody and it'll keep us busy repairing it at the moment. We don't have to hide anymore, but we need somewhere to reconvene. Somewhere where our people can come to recuperate."

Connor nodded, mulling over his words. "Will I be able to come here and help out? When I'm not working at the police station." He added swiftly.

Hank raised his eyebrows. But Markus just smiled and gripped Connor's shoulder.

"You're one of us. You're always welcome here at Jericho."

Ruby smiled as Connor's face brightened. He nodded.

"Thank you. I need to speak with you about another android, and what I should do..."

Markus frowned. "Alright. Come with me." The two of them stepped away, wandering through two doors at the back.

Ruby glanced around the hall at all of the androids, watching them laugh and hug one another. They were finally all free to love and laugh with whomever they choose. Nothing was over yet, but the worst was.

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