Chapter 12- A Sacred Duty!

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10:12pm- Jericho


Vera plastered herself against the wall of the Captain's cabin as soldiers rushed past yelling orders. A few shined their torches and guns through the broken windows, but she stayed crouched behind the wheel until they left.

This is where she found the body of an android.

He was lying under the desk, dusty and open-eyed. Three scratches sat over his right eye revealed the metal wiring underneath. The odd thing about him though, is that his hand sat in his lap unattached from the rest of his body. The 'skin' wasn't activated on the hand, and it began to glow as she reached for it.

"Hold it!"

She heard a gun click behind her. Raising her hands, she rose slowly and turned. A woman with bobbed red hair smiled smugly at her. A Templar band was wound tightly around the arm of her blue coat.

"Thanks for pointing it out for me, but I think I can take it from here." She moved forward but Vera stepped backwards. Towards the piece.

"You know I'm not just going to hand it to you. It belongs to the Assassins."

The woman gave her a mock simpering look.

"You almost gave it, and your life, to your boyfriend before now. What difference will it make?"

"A lot since this one isn't rigged to explode. You will never get your hands on something that can take away free will. Too easy for you. Sorry." Vera shrugged lightly.

The Templar snorted. "Then you'd better hit me with your best shot, bitch. You're not getting out of here alive whether you choose to give it to me or not."

"Cute. I love death threats. Gets me all powered up, you know."

The woman scowled, pushing the gun further forward. Vera smiled.

Just one more step...

She complied involuntarily. Vera knocked the gun out of her grasp before the Templar could react and punched her in the face.

But the Templar only reeled for a moment, whipping out her knife and slashing it through the air at the assassin.

Vera hurried backwards, careful not to collide with the servers behind her, then side-stepped as her enemy swooped the knife in an arc. She slammed the Templar's head against the desk and lunged for the piece.

But the woman was standing, clutching her head, coming after her as fast as she could. Then she feigned, diving for the gun and aiming it at Vera.

Vera moved her head to the left to dodge the bullet, pulling out her own gun and feeding the Templar two bullets to the chest.

She exhaled, relieved. Her heart battered against her ribs, and she glanced down at the piece in her hand. Laughing to herself, she cautiously left the cabin, making her way back into the freighter.

The guns were still beating through the androids left and right. The soldiers were everywhere, and Vera started to wonder if anyone had actually escaped.

She made her way back down the corridor, almost colliding with Connor, Markus, North and Josh.

"What are you doing here?" Connor demanded, eyes alight with worry.

"What do you mean? I came here with you!" Vera retorted.

"The bomb is about to explode, we have to get out of here!" Markus added sharply.

"What? What bomb? I have to find my friends..."

"There's no time," North snapped. "The bomb will explode in the hold and the ship will sink. There's an exit over there. We have to jump now!"

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