Chapter 7- The Price of Sacrifice

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November 8th

1:30pm—Detroit Police Department


"Have you finished that report yet?" Captain Fowler crossed his arms, staring at Hank impatiently.

Hank sighed roughly, likely holding back what he wanted to say.

"I'm just finishing the last touches," he said finally, "and then, I'll be done. There was a lot of waiting around yesterday to speak to the first victim and get her statement."

"I don't care what you had to do, Hank. I just need this report on my desk so it can get filed with the others."

Vera strained a smile. "I'll bring it up to you myself in less than five minutes."

Fowler gritted his teeth but finally nodded, stalking back to his office.

"He really likes to bust my balls..." Hank grumbled.

"Are you actually nearly done? I think I might need to take a nap..."

Hank snorted, typing furiously. Then printed it and dropped it on the desk in front of Vera.

"Go on then. Take it to him, and let's go." He looked around, over the desks. "Where's Connor?"

Vera shrugged. "I wasn't keeping an eye on him. Go find him while I give this to Fowler."

Hank gave her the middle finger but went off to look for Connor while she laughed at his back.

She piled up the report, making sure it was in order before making her way to Fowler's office. There, she knocked on the glass door, watching him grimace before telling her to enter.

"Here's Hank's report, Captain..." She placed it in the tray on the corner of the desk. He said nothing, just grunted and waved her away.

She resisted a scowl, hurrying out of the room.

Connor and Hank waited at the desk. The air was tense. Hank leant against the desk, arms crossed and scowling. Connor sat in the chair, leaning on his legs and looking guilty.

"Uh, let's go shall we?" She raised her eyebrows questioningly, but Hank shook his head.

"Yeah, finally. We're outta here..."


Hank's house

Vera flopped into the armchair, fatigue wrapping her into the comfort of it. Sumo wandered to each of them in turn, tail wagging hopefully. Vera gave him a small pet before he moved on to Connor.

Hank switched on the tv and told Connor to sit down, who did, his eyes flickering with confusion. Basketball commentators began yelling the scores from the tv, and Vera closed her eyes.

There was silence for a while and Vera lost count of the time. But a sudden movement and a curse made her open her eyes.

"Holy shit..." Hank said leaning forward. His eyes were fixed on the tv.

"We interrupt our scheduled programming to bring you these images..."

"Is... is that Stratford Tower?" Vera stammered, watching the android broadcast itself.

"Yep, that's the one..." Hank replied quietly. Connor sat still, staring unresponsive.

"Connor? You okay?" Vera asked. But he didn't answer. Didn't even take his eyes away. He looked frightened almost.

"This was broadcast everywhere," Hank whispered. "They've asked for freedom... equality... To live in peace with humans."

"And do you think humans are likely to give that? You'd think it would be something that would be a given. Not having to be asked for or demanded."

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