Chapter 9- Meet Your Maker...

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November 9th

10:00am- Luna Motel


The sunlight broke through the thin curtains, lighting up the spots in the fabric. The sheets were dripping off the mattress and onto the floor where Vera sat, staring at the ceiling. She rubbed her eyes; they were red and dry from being awake most of the night. She sighed, thinking over what happened yesterday...

Vera ran as fast as she could through the lobby of Stratford Tower and into the car park. She could see Hank stumbling around, trying to find his car.

"Hank, wait!" She yelled. He didn't turn around, but his shoulders tensed. Using her training, she scanned the best route to make sure she didn't burn out of energy before he got to his car. The lift had taken ages, so she was surprised he was still here.

The wind was biting, the evening clouds were rolling in making it colder. The snow made the concrete slippery, and she was sure she was sliding more than running. But she finally made it just as he was opening the door.

She slammed it shut causing him to drop his keys. He glared at her.

"Would you just fuckin' leave me alone?"

"No way! We need to talk about this!"

Hank tried to open the car door again. "No fuckin' way! There's nothing to talk about!"

Vera leant against the door. He scowled at her, waiting. Probably contemplating whether to move her or go around. He began stomping to the passenger side.

"Please Hank. Connor saved you, isn't that enough?"

He stopped. He stared at the ground for a long time before finally looking her in the eye. There were tears. Or was it the last glint of light?

"Vera. Connor was... Connor..." He shook his head. "Please just leave me alone..."

He got in the car, climbing over to the driver's side and drove off. Vera leapt backwards, moving her toes out of the way of Hank's screeching wheels.

That night, she sat in the motel room, drinking. Connor's dead body flashed in her mind. Hank's broken expression...

She pushed the half-empty bottle under the bed, blinking away the dizziness. The world spun as she tried to stand. So she gave up with a thump.

Leaning her head back against the end of the bed, she checked the clock:


Groaning, she pulled the sheet over her and closed her eyes to minimise the spinning.

An hour later, the nightmare started...

Vera found herself standing in an empty factory. There was absolutely no furniture or anything. It was just grey. But she recognised it.

This was where she failed.

A glow caught her eye and she turned. There it was—the piece of Eden. The one that she was meant to find last time. The one that was in her grasp, and she lost it.

Vera ran towards it, holding out her hand. But then suddenly, it was gone, and a man stood there.

She couldn't see his face. Only the Templar band on his right arm. But she knew him. His name was Frederick, and he had tricked her.

"Vera..." he whispered, although his lips didn't move. "Vera, darling. Why are you here? The Assassins are all gone because of you." He grinned, baring his teeth. "The Brotherhood has been dissolved, and I should thank you."

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