☆ 𝕎𝕙𝕖𝕣𝕖 𝕒𝕞 𝕚 ☆

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01.00 AM

'This is it, i'm standing at my fathers balcony. My way of freedom from hell, i'm tired of living as a shadow and when i jump, i'll see my freedom. My deepest apologies my dearest sister for i, cannot be strong and be there for you anymore. you have to learn to be strong..'

I wiped my tears and take off my cape revealing my white night gown. step by step i walk and climb on to the edge of the balcony.

' Fathers probably with jennette as always..'

it was a long way falling down from father's balcony yet i'm still falling..falling..then i hit the grown. it felt hard, from my last moments i can see blood everywhere then i closed my eyes for the last time. But, then i woke up in a white place.


Honestly, i dint expect myself to be here. I relized i was laying down so i got up. i saw a river nearby so i walked up to the river. it was quite peacefull here i love the sound of the water running through.. i look at my 17 year old Reflection from the water.

( This is what the night gown looks like, if you dont like it feel free to change it in your imagination ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Credit to pinterest- )

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( This is what the night gown looks like, if you dont like it feel free to change it in your imagination ¯\_()_/¯ Credit to pinterest- )

I can see that there are some blood stain's on my night gown.

' Probably because of the falling..'

I look around for a while because i dont know where i am then i saw someone with white long hair and beside him is guy with long black hair. i braven myself to walk up to them because i have no choice on what to do.

' Excuse me? my apologies but i dont know where i am..'

They turn around and look at me, the guy with white hair has beautiful blue eye while the guy with black hair had charming red eyes. I turn my head to the side to make myself look confused and they waren't talking or responding?

I flick my fingers infront of they're eyes and they blink for a couple seconds..

' Ah, sorry there Rosella i dint expect you to come this sooner!'

The guy with white hair said with a suprise.

How did he know my name?

' Excuse me but do i know who you are?' '

' Of course not you brat! You stupid mortal..'

The guy with black hair said, honestly that was a bit rude and i'm not a brat you dog. i raised my eyebrows then..

' brother dont be rude to her, she's just confused!' '

' Exactly! i am confused on where i am '

I said, these people look a bit weird by the looks of they're clothes but i decided not to be rude so i keep quiet.

' Well your on paths! this is where we will judge you on where you should belong! i'm Ryu by the way and this is my brother Ryi! '

The white cloud seems nice unlike the dog, i smiled so this place is called paths? sounds not dangerous.

' Its a pleasure to meet you Ryu and Ryi, My name is Rosella De Alger Obelia '

I decided to be nice so i bowed. I felt a hand at my left shoulder, then the hand move to my chin and raised it up wich makes me look up to both men. it was Ryu.

' No need to bow and such formalities, just treat us like normal. You look like your mother, diana right?'

Ryu said. not gonna lie the both of them are very tall, i even need to raise my head up to see them but they know mom?

' H-how did you know my mom? was she here? '

I really want to see my mom again and tell her about athanasia, i bet she'll be happy that she's growing up but i dont want her to know what happend to her..to father..to me. i hate to see her beautiful face with tears of sadness.

' of course we know her! she's really nice! '

Then Ryu drag me away leaving Ryi standing in confusion. he showed me something i've never seen before, its like glass but there are pitcures moving. Ryu said that this is called a screen. funny name i've never seen this screen thing in my life.

' oh look its your dead body brat '

Ryi said from behind. Its weird to see my body my dead body laying in the grass with trees nearby. then i saw someone running to my dead body..

' Athanasia..'

she was crying puting my dead body in her arms then i saw felix and lilly came running and conforting athy. i saw jannette gasping over my dead body then i saw claude..he was looking at my dead body, glaring and grinning his teeth. then he walked away from the scene.

' see brat, if you want attention suicide isin't on the list! '

Ryi said from behind. i was touching the screen where athanasia was, she was hungging me in her arms screaming my name over and over again. then she looked at claude.


Athanasia screamed to claude, everyone freezes even him. he turned around looking at athanasia.

' She's not my daughter and that include's You'

He said it. then he grab jannette's hand and drag her away, felix was calling the other guards while lilly was hugging athy from the back sobbing too.

' i know he wont care of what everything happend to me, i dont expect him to Ryi..'

I said with a smile wich earning me a pat in the head from Ryi while calling me ' Brat ' again. I move the screen and i can see Izekiel?

' Izekiel? does he knows? '

i look at the two and they move they're head to the left and right wich means ' No'. He was reading a book, well i'm not suprised he does like books. then i look at athy back.

' I wish i can rewind time to make a better future for athy and me '

' Wish granted Rosellla '

i heard Ryu said that and before i can look at the two i can hear his finger flick and everything blurs.


i heard someone scream, is there someone giving birth? well i hope they're okay. i felt myself being lift up by someone then put me in the arms of someone i dont know because it was blurry. Blonde hair, Pink eyes..


' Rosella..'


' De Alger.. '


' Obelia.. '

I was reincarnated?

( Yay! First chapter! Rosella got reincarnated and sorry if there are some bad grammars, i'm trying my best to type slowly so i wont mistaken a word just let me know if there are some bad grammars. Stay safe you all ◕◡◕ )

♡𝕄𝕪  𝕆𝕥𝕙𝕖𝕣  𝔻𝕒𝕦𝕘𝕙𝕥𝕖𝕣♡Where stories live. Discover now