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Rosella was sleeping in one of claude's couch in his room, the both of them are very sleepy these days. Ryi cat form was sleeping in claude's room too but on the floor beside Rosella. She just finished reading some of her favorite books until she fell asleep. Then the door opened revealing athy, she was looking around of claude's room. The king before claude was a bit gold digger, making his room made of gold everywhere.

Athy's POV

I was looking around claude's room until i noticed ryi, he woke up from his sleep looking at me for a while and went back to sleep, phew! I started to look at my sister who is sleeping, there was a book on top of her head so she must be fallen asleep and ryi always stays by her side 27/7 a day.

Across from her is claude sleeping too, but not gonna lie he looks like sleeping beauty. His beautiful golden hair is just making him hotter and hotter everyday. This guy wants to kill me, well since hes asleep maybe this is the chance to hit him. There wont be anymore chances, and this is my time. i raise my hand up in the sky, FEEL MY FURY YOU CRAZY MANIAC!


But before i hit him, the chocolate in my hand fell and it hit claude making him woke up from his sleep. I'm doomed. Trying to to look supsicious i sang him a lullaby that lily always sing to me when i want to sleep. He looked at me for a couple seconds,

' Where did you learn that song? '

He asked me and sat on the couch,

' a song to say bye bye to nightmares! '

I'm running put of words now you maniac! This kingdom dosent even know a lullaby, there has to be someone that knows.

' Good morning papa! '

I said smiling at him, but he just have his non-expression face on him,

' its not morning '

Oh okay..

' Goodnight! '

You said its not morning then its night right?

' Felix let you in huh? '

He said while rubbing his head and stand up, then he walked towards Pretty lady and started to put away the book that is on her face and rub her head to wake her up,

' Wake up Rose '

She then started to open her eyes for a while and rub it, she started to sit down then ryi came by her side putting his head on top of her lap. Claude started to looked at me,

' Lets just have food here '

He said and i looked away.

At the dinning table..

' seeing your bright face today means your okay right '

He said with his hand on his face across from me,

' You looked beautiful too papa! '

From now on lets just praise him so he dosent kill me, just smile.. keep smiling.. because your life in on the line, however dirty it is or how smart my life is more inportant that anything now. Pretty lady was sitting beside me eating her food with ryi by her side. I looked over claude, why does he had to show off his deadly beauty that has no use.

' eat, i already order food that you might like '

' enjoy athy '

Pretty lady said, since she's close to that maniac and loved me.. maybe she can help me whenever claude wants to kill me! I grab my fork and knife and started to cut the steak.. but its a bit hard and eventually it flew in the sky and pretty lady caught the fork and ryi caught the knife.

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