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Ryu's POV

Ryi was laying on the bed with Rosella beside him, and he was acting like a baby. I started to wonder if we are related, then i looked at lucas.

' its funny, that i dint remember you. You were once so small, so.. fragile '

I told him, and he looked at me. He start smirking and chuckled.

' same goes for me, its been years we've met. I dint relize that it was you ryu '

He said to me smiling and i smiled back leaning back to the wall, then he glared at ryi who is laying on the bed with rosella beside him trying to fix his wound.

' and you too ryi.. '

He said with a sarcastic tone and ryi just gave him a thumbs up while looking at the ceiling.

' ye, yeah you brat '

He said, rosella then started to wash his wound with a towel that has been warmed. Ryi started hissing as rosella slowly putting the towel onto his forehead.

' for gods sake, shut up will you. My eardrums are screaming in pain! '

She said while brading his hair, and he finaly shut his mouth for goodness sake. Then i looked at lucas again and he looked at me.

' what were you hunting anyways? There aren't any dangerous animals here, You could hunt in the forest you know? '

I asked him because earlier he said that he was hunting for something, he looked away from my face and i know that its important. Then he looked at me again.

' i was hunting my meal '


Is this bitch serious..

' I KNOW but WHAT animal LUCAS? '

I said to him with a creepy smile plus annoyence and he just looked creeped out and stutterd.

' uh, its uhm. Its a shinsu, a black tiny one. '

Shinsu, dint know that thing lives here..

' you mean yourself? Black and short? '

I decided to tease him up a bit to ligthen the mood up because it was a bit quiet. I heard Rosella trying to hid her snickerd while lucas just steamed up.

' i-i'm not short you idiot bastard! '

Hah, sure~

' you're head only reach my elbows and you call yourself tall? Pardon me~ '

I pinch his ear wich makes him screaming and screaming to let him go, then i felt like someone was tugging my pants.

' let him go, you're hurting him ryu '

Rosella said with a smal glare, and i stop pinching his ear wich makes him cross his arms. Then i heard a very loud footsteps from outside the door, a very loud one and it seems like a lot of people are heading to rosella's room. Me and lucas looked rosella who told us to hide in the closet, i pick up my brother then me and lucas rush towards the closet and hide ourselfs inside.

Rosella's POV

As they close the closet door, the door was open wide open revealing.. claude?


He shouted at me and rush towards me, he bend on his knees and hugged me tightly. We stayed in this hug for a couple minutes and i decided to hug him back. Then my room was filled by guards everywhere and my dad pick me up, when i look to the door again i saw marie and a couple of maids running inside, marie was crying then pull me away from claude and start hugging me.


Marie was crying and i can see fear in her eyes and she was waiting for me to respond , then i looked at my dad who is waiting for my respond too.

' there arent any screamings here marie, and there aren't any vas break '

I lied to her so i keep her calm but then i fucked up-

' your majesty, the windows near your highness Rosella is broken as well as the vas too. Someone is in here your majesty '

A guard said showing a piece of the broken vas, i was sweating and i looked at my dad who is furious. When i looked at the guard, he looked scared, scared as hell.


Claude shouts at the guards who bowed, i was still in marie's arms and she was still crying. 1 guard was walking towards the closet that lucas, ryu and ryi are hiding. When was about to open it,

' dad, i broke the vas and the window. There was noone here, i'm okay '

Need to lie to survive, need to lie even tho its wrong. But he dint belive me.

' your too small to reach the window, not to mention the vas '

Nice try rose, nice try. I was looking at the guard who is standing infront of the closet and looking at it intesely then claude notices then he signal some guards to open the closet. No no no! But when they opened it, they waren't there. They're gone? The i heard a meow beside me, and it was Ryu's cat form with some glass pieces in his fur.

' Ryu! '

I pointed at ryu making everyone staring at him, claude the remove the glass in his fur and sigh. He then looked at me and started to put me in his arms.

' everyone leave '

Then all the maids and guards left while marie stay's behind.

' your okay right? '

He asked me, and i just nodded. Then he left my room, and i started rushing towards the closet.


I bang the closet door and when it opens, Ryi and lucas are glaring to eachother.

' will the two of you stop it? I'm tired of this, its getting pretty old '

I cross my arms and lucas looked at me.

' what will a 5 year old do huh? Your weak dum dum '

He then laugh, ryu and ryi then started to avoid lucas because they know what will happend. He then looked at me,

' what? '

He said, and i bit his leg and he dies ( he dint actually).

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