The unexpected happend

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Skip 3 years later, coz i want athy SCENES!

Claude's POV

I was sitting in a near bench the garden reading files of work while felix when i heard a sound, i stopped reading and looked at felix who is looking around,

' you heard it too? '

I asked him, and he nodded. The both of us followed the sound, after minutes of walking towards the sound it came closer to Rosella's room. I open the door slowly and there she was, playing a violin infront of her cats. She looks so peacefull, and then i looked at felix leaning his ear on the door to listen too, and and i noticed that marie is inside too sitting beside the cats smiling too, I dint know that Rosella can play a violin, ( Music is on top-)

' Rosella? '

She stopped playing, and she looked at me.

' dad? I dint know you're here.. '

She chuckled, i just came inside the room and sat down on the couch as she sat across me. She looked a bit scared, i can tell

' why dint you tell me you can play a violin? '

I asked her, and she looked scared. She then started to bit her lip, i think shes nervous,

' i- its just i want to suprise you with it on your birthday but, it seems like you've already notice.. '

She said looking down, well thats fine i can just forget this and be suprised when she played on my birthday.

' i know what you're thinking dad, but it wont work. Its ruin... it was supsose to be a suprise.. '

She looked down, marie then pat her back and her cats started to lay down beside her. I should've have not got here,

' its fine, i like it. Just think of this day as my birthday '

I told her giving a smal smile to make her feel better, and she nodded. Then she looked nervous again,

' hey uhm dad? Can i.. g-go to castle ruby for a while..? '


She asked me looking nervous, marie was stunned and felix too, and that includes me too. Why would she want to go there, she's perfect here.

' why do you want to go there. '

I asked her, hiding my anger.

' i just, want to meet Athanasia.. its been years- '

' No. '

I cut her off, and she looked scared. The answer is NO. Then i got up, pat her head and left her room.

Rosella's POV

Oh no, dad's angry. This is the end of my life, he'll kill me and i would be dead again ('༎ຶٹ༎ຶ') . After he left, i burried my face in to a pillow and scream as hard as i can. Marie then left my room to get me some drinks, when she left i got up and put my viloin away. Then i grabbed some couple of books and left my room to go to the garden, i sat beneath a tree that is a little big but i need some shades because its hot today. I started reading some books i grab, inside the books i saw some of kiel's letters that he send and some books that he sended too, i admire the books he owns but i'm only borrowing it not take it and make it mine.

Ryu and ryi then came along with lucas who looked unhappy probably because dint get his shinsu again, his been hunting it for years now but dint catch it yet. Ryu and ryi was in cat form and they lat down beside me, ryi was playing with his ball while ryu was just laying down, lucas sat beside me crossing his arms looking grumpy.

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