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Skip a couple of years later....

Rosella was on her chair looking out of the window with tears running from her cheeks,

'What's wrong? You've been crying for a very long time and its bugging me out." Ryiuka said,

'I just relized something... after all this time in my second life i.." Rosella said but cut it off,

'What.. what is it?' He asked again,

'My personality is different, like there is something inside me that lives there and its trying to encourage me to kill, kill and kill. I used to be scardy-cat and weak, now this whole thing feels different..' Rosella confessed while ryiuka just widen his eyes and looked away,

'I'll try finding lucas and uhm, you should stay here for now...' and with that ryiuka left the room leaving rosella alone sitting still looking out of the window, then suddenly a mysterious shadow came behind her and put its hand to her shoulder making her flinch,

'Kill them Rosella, Kill them all..


the shadow said and rosella quickly stand up and look back finding nothing but just her room, she fell down to the grown and close her mouth while crying.

With athanasia and lucas..

'Cmon! Please please!!' Athy said begging lucas to have a dance practice with her since her debutante is coming soon and she was suppose to dance with her father, claude. From the side of his eye he can see ryiuka from the window giving him eye contact telling him to follow him,

'Cmon! Please, please! You were as tall as daddy!!' Athansia whinned at him, and lucas flick his hand showing her a ghost type of person? (Idk what tf it is ;-;) making athy jump back, 'AHH!!' She screamed.

'Use that and i have to go' lucas said and left the room leaving athy and ghost guy (lets call it that ,-,).


Lucas was walking very fast in the hallway with ryiuka infront of him leading him to rosella's room, 'what's the matter with her now?' Lucas ask but was ignored by ryiuka until a couple of minutes later he drag lucas to an empty hallway and pin him to the wall,

'The heck?! Let me go!' Lucas said, struggling to let go but he cant and ryiuka close his mouth, 'There's something i need to tell you..' he said and lucas relized that he was Terrified and he just nodded.

'When i gave Rosella her second life i didn't use my power but i use someone elses, Aethernitas..' Ryiuka said and lucas step on his feet making ryi let lucas go, 'Why would you do that?! Why didn't you used your own?!' Lucas yelled at him but ryi started to to sit down,

'Because i'm getting weaker.. aethernitas's power is unbelievably powerfull and i transfere half of his soul on Rosella to make her come to life again, that's why she's more powerfull and stronger than you and..'

'Apart of his soul lives inside.. me..' Rosella said quietly with shock as Ryiuka and lucas  explain it to her, she look down to her hand and her magic started to come out but the color of it's aura is red.

'I- you mean half of me is controlled by him..'
Rosella said while looking at her magic and ryiuka sadly nodded with lucas beside him.

'Will i be imortal just like him?' Rosella asked while looking up to them, her pupil started to change color to red and the two of them quickly stand up from the couch,

( hey guys, i kinda feel bad for leaving this story so i'll try to update it, but please check out my other story TnT and have a nice day )

Any potterheads here? ;w;

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 20, 2021 ⏰

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