Bonus ( Rosella's Bday )

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Rosella's POV

I was sleeping peacefuly until i felt like someone is on my face, like a glaring.. i opened my eyes that reveald Ryu laughing holding a fire cracker,

' Finaly! Our birthday girl is awake!! Happy birthday, you are now 9 years old! ' Ryu

' haha, yay.. ' Ryi

' Happy birthday blondie ' Lucas

Eh? Huh, its my birthday? I didnt knew it was today, i sat down on my bed still sleepy and looked around the room who is messy with birthday decorations everywhere, looks like there will be cleaning time. Ryu then looked at me confused,

' Whats wrong? You dont like it? '

' its not that, its just that i forgot it was my birthday today '

Ryu then dropped his fire cracker but i manage to catch it before it would burn my room down, his face looked cold and scarry then he started to put his hands on my shoulders and shake me like i'm under possessed.


' staaaaaaaaaaawp~ '

I said as he kept shaking me until everything looks blurry, then he stopped. So i got up from my bed and started to change my night gown into a dress by myself since marie is taking a break,



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So lets just say that me and the three boys are eating cake,

' i hope this is not poison.. '

I said glaring at Ryi while eating my cake, he notices so he looked away. Ryu just chuckled and left for a couple minutes,

' i cant belive you forgot you own birthday, is it that hard to remember? '

' ahh, i'm not a birthday type of person actually. Lets just that today here is my birthday so what? I aged up and thats all '

I said while finishing the birthday cake that they made, it was delicious actually not poison. Then Ryu came back with a lot of boxes in his hands,

' HANDS OF THE CAKE PEOPLE, ITS GIFTS TIME!! Oh and ryi, hands off the cake you can eat it later you cake monster or i'll kill you! Show some respect '

' fine '

Ryi said rolling his eyes and put the cake on the table, me and lucas put the cake on the as well then Ryu sat down beside ryi giving me a lot of gifts,

♡𝕄𝕪  𝕆𝕥𝕙𝕖𝕣  𝔻𝕒𝕦𝕘𝕙𝕥𝕖𝕣♡Where stories live. Discover now