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Everyone was enjoying the walk around the garden, some of them pick up some flowers for they're vas in they're room but it dosent matter because i can grow it more and more. Rosella woke up a while a go, i'm guessing that she's very tired from sleeping everytime. She always stay's at in her room because i wanted her safe and this is her first time going outside, i just hope time dosent go so quick.

' Felix what time is it now?'

' 04.00 pm your majesty'

We've been walking for that long, it felt like a couple minutes and the girls seems to notice it too. I am very close to the three, Charlotte was my friend because my father knew her father since little and daniella was my childhood friend, Our families are close friends too to eachother then there's diana, we met at a party and she was a dancer from Siodona and then things started to change a blah-blah-blah.
Rose then started to poke my face.

' what? Is there something on my face? '

I asked her but she kept poking! I can hear some giggles behind me.

' what? Is there something wrong on my face? '

I turned around and asked them, they were just staring at me like an awe look even felix was staring in an awe too. Diana then started to speak up,

' there are some flowers on top of your head your majesty, that makes you look very adorable'

Diana said with a happy smile and the other's were just smilling and nodded as an agreement. It turns out there were some flowers on top of my hair as i started to ruffle my hair, it was just some small pink flowers i think there's at least 7 of them on top my head. I kept one flower on my hand because it looked pretty. Then we all sat down for tea, all the six of us. ( Felix is standing right next to claude while rose is still in claude's arms ). I called the maids to get us dinner for this evening and dinner for today is steak and some smashed potatoes with a mini chocolate pudding as a dessert. Felix then offered me to hold rose for a while so that i can eat with the three, i trust felix so i gave rose into his arms and it seems like she's okay with it.

' We should do this more often, i'm enjoying this so far because its better to hang out with the people we love rather than reading books everyday in Ruby castle'

Charlotte said while eating her steak with the smallest smile she could give. Daniella just nodded because i think she's enjoying this too.

' I agree with you charlie, felix seems to enjoy this too'

Diana said while stopping her eating and looked at felix with rose in her arms, felix was just patting and rubbing her back. He then looked at diana and,

' of course i'm enjoying this Lady Diana! Its nice to spend time with the princess, she's very calm and very adorable'

Felix said while looking down at rose in his arms smiling at her, the 3 just chuckled while i just continue my food.

' maybe your right charlotte..' Claude

' i always am claude '

Charlotte said with a smirk on her face.

Third person's view POV

The day soon ended because now its night time, the clock sets to 07.30 at night. Was very tired so charlotte helped her to get inside ger room, daniella was escorted by felix to her own room while Claude with rosella in his arms are going to his room, because he wants to sleep with his own daughter. Claude began to put extra pillows around the edge of his king-sized bed then lay Rosella beside him, before he lay down beside Rosella he close the curtain's and sat down beside his daughter and looked at her for a while. He then began to touched her face who reminded him of diana when he first met her, he than smiled and lay down.

' Goodnight Rosella, have a nice dream..'

Then he fell asleep as soon as he closed his eyes and put his hand around rosella and they slept face-to-face.

Ryu's POV

So far so good, claude began to soften around her.

' why did you send the brat away? I was going to need the brat's help on my hair'

Ryi said with a sarcastic tone to me, he was behind me shouting again, again and again. I feel pity to ber because about her past life that her father just forget's about her and athanasia and just focus on the brunette girl.

' i feel pity for her, thats why ryi '

I said while touching the screen that shows Baby Rosella sleeping with her father together, compared with her past live claude was supsose to meet Rosella when she was 5 but i changed it because her smile reminded me of someone i once loved.

' Ah god Ryu! Dont forget lucas wants to meet you again sooner or later! You know how the brat is when he lost his patients, stubborn, stubborn as always like a bull'

Ryi said crossing his arms with a grumpy look, then i smiled.

' if you kept on screaming and shouting, maybe some wrinkles will grow on you and make you look old and ugly because your an arse and a pain to my ass '

I teased my brother, he was a very stubborn person, unpatient, loud and a pain but i still loved him because his my brother but if he wasn't, i would've thrown him over a big and tall cliff because he was a pain. I looked over my brother who stunned by my words, i knew he was shock because he never heard me swear before.

' did you just swear..' Ryi

' Yes, are you too deaf to hear ryi? '

I teased him again and he just jumped on me and started to trying to kill me. ( help-)

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