History repeat itself

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Rosella's POV

I woke up by the sound of someone whinning and when i open my eyes, it was Ryu,


Ryi said screaming, i push him off making him fell from the bed and and close my ears with my hand,

' will you stop screaming?! I just woke up you blithering idiot! '

Ryi stopped screaming and got up while got up from my bed and grab a glass of water near at the table, i splash the water into my face because it feels refreshing and so that i dont feel sleepy, its a habit.

' who is it that ruin my morning? '

I said as i grab some couples of clothes to choose to wear,

' Its The big Alpheus '

Ryi said crossing his arms while i choke on my on spit, i quickly put on something i could wear.

Ryi said crossing his arms while i choke on my on spit, i quickly put on something i could wear

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( ya'll please just imagine that the color is pink and white ;-;)

After finishing putting clothes i brush my hair but something feels off, my hair started to change color into a light baby pink. I look at the brush and there was a pink powder, how could he?!

' Ryi how could you?! '

I said as i got up and show him the brush with pink powder, i mean its not bad but i look a bit weird.

' you look good in pink '

I was silent for a moment and Then I change my hair and make a loose braid, and after everythings done i change Ryi into his cat form and we went outside to the gates seeing mr. Alpheus standing there with his hands behind him,

' ah your highness, my apologiez to wake you up in this early morning '

He said bowing and i looke at him at the eyes,

' its fine, i'm used to this anyways because a friend of mine keeps following me everywhere '

I said as i looked down at growling Ryi who is looking at Mr. Alpheus. I pinched his ear to make him stop,

' Dont do that, he's our guest and now be nice '

Before Ryi could ever do anything, mr. Alpheus shows me a letter,

' Ah, it seems like i forgot to give you this your highness, my son figured out that i will be going to the castle so he gave me a request to give this to you, he said its imporatant '

He said handing me the letter and i took it and look at it for a moment, it has izekiel's name written on it. Then i heard footsteps from behind and it was Felix with athy on his back,

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