Sister-sister bond

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Rosella's POV

I've finish eating dinner with my dad and now i am at my room laying on my bed staring at the ceiling, the twins are in they're normal human form and lucas is still trying to hunt for his meal that hes been crying of. Ryu was laying on the bed next to me sleeping because he got sick after accidently fell on to a fountain full of cold water. Ryi on the other hand was looking at the mirror trying to comb his long hair and kept whinning,

' whats wrong dummmy? '

I got up from laying on the bed to sitting down on the edge of my bed looking at ryi trying to hold my laugh. He then turn his head around and look grumpy,

' my hair's too long, its too hard to comb '

He said throwing the comb across the room and cross his arms and sat down the floor, i just sigh and got the come he threw away and started to comb his long hair.

' when you think about it, its not bad to have a long hair like this. You just need to be patient, you dont want therapy right? Your temper is too high, not to mention anger- well you know what i mean'

I said as i comb his long, silky black hair, but hes still crossing his arms. I look over ryu for a minute,

' you should lay your voice down, your brother is sick and needs some rest. Be a good brother and try to give him the peacefull sleep he deserve? '

I said again as i finish comb his hair, and he just sigh and nodded looking away. Then i put the comb away and sat down on the couch crossing my arms and thinking about what happend earlier. I met my sister after 8 years,

' what are you thinking? '

Ryi said as he sat down on a couch across from mine reading a book, i looked at him for a couple minutes and looked away,

' its just that, i met Athanasia earlier in the garden along with felix, marie and dad.. but i dont understand.. '

I told ryi who put the book he was reading away and gave me a serious look,

' what dont you understand? '

' its just that, i am happy to see my sister but why didnt dad told me that hes meeting her like- * sigh* she looks.. cute tho.. '

I said while biting my lower lip and started to steamed up then ryi looked at me raising his left eyebrow,

' what do you mean? '

' her cuteness melts the walls in my heart.. '

I said as i close my mouth with my hand trying to forget athy's cuteness in my head, she's too adorable...

' ah i see, i thought you were sick or something. Why do you think she's cute? '

' gah! I dont know!! She's just.. its hard to explain! '

' if she's cute then what are you? ' ryi said as looking at the window.

' her sister dum-dum, oh and can you get me ready for tomorow? Marie is taking a break for a week '

' Fine, whatever brat'

Then he just lay on the couch and fell asleep, and i just climb up my bed then check ryu's tempature and then sleep too.

Then i woke up to Someone knocking on my door and its 04.00 in the evening, so i got up from my bed and open the door,

' hmm? What is it? '

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