Chapter 18 - The New Guy

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*Jin's Perspective* 5:30 p.m.

I'm having a really fun time hanging out with Irene and getting to know her better. I forget what time it is and Irene basically answers my question for me without even asking.

    "I had a lot of fun today, but it's getting late. Do you want to start heading back to the dorm?" Irene asks, looking at her watch.

    "Yeah. But only if you say that we can hang out again soon." I reply, not wanting to go back to barely speaking.

    "Sure." she laughs.

    Our stop before making our way back to the dormitory was the convenience store for some ointment for Irene's bruises and scratches. We walk the rest of the way there, but the fact that we're not talking kind of feels like we're back to being strangers.

    "Thanks again for today." she breaks the silence with a whisper, while the wind whirls in the air like cotton candy.

    "No problem." I tell her.

    As we say our goodbyes in front of our dorms, I want to tell her that I was sorry for not helping her pick up her clothes, not saying sorry about it, and for dragging her into a mess that she didn't deserve to be pulled into. But I was too shy and just entered my room without saying another word.

    "I see somebody left early this morning." Chanyeol says sarcastically.

    "Yeah. I took one of our classmates out for a snack to owe her for helping me with something." I reply.

    "Really, who?" Kang Daniel interrupts.

    "Irene." I whisper.

    "Irene?! Did she say anything about me?!" Chanyeol shouted, having a crush on Irene.

    "Sorry, no. Maybe next time though." I tell him.

    "There's a next time?! Can I please tag along?" he asks.

    "You know, you're starting to act like your sister." I say, hoping to stop him from getting even more high on the thought of hanging out with Irene.

    "Right. But why are you hanging out with her anyways? You have no reason to." Chanyeol replies.

    "I know. But we bumped into each other and it was really fun. Plus, she agreed to it when I asked her." I reason.

    "Who is Irene?" Daniel asks.

    "Irene is a really cute girl who went to our school since we can remember and lucky ol' Jin here got to hang out with her." Chanyeol explains while hitting Jin's arm.

"Listen, I know you might be mad that you aren't the one who gets to hang out with her again, but I'll try to set you guys up if she'll let me." I tell Chanyeol.

"Deal." he says.

*Narrator Perspective* 9:30 a.m., Monday morning

    As Irene walks into her first class right on time, she spots Jin already seated at their small table. She remembers the post that was spread just a few days ago and decides not to seem as if they were close.

    "Hey!" Jin exclaims as he sees her.

    "What do you want?" Irene answers back coldly.

    "What's wrong?" he asks.

    Irene ignores his curiosity and turns her attention toward the professor.

    The class begins and Irene pretends to take notes at the beginning, but instead writes on a post-it note explaining everything.

     "Sorry about before. It's just that the rumors are still going around" read the post-it.

    Jin couldn't understand why, but he smiled when he realized that she was just being cold to him for a reasonable reason. He wrote back on the post-it note, "It's all good."

    The class finally ended and they quickly hurried to their next class and went on with their day. The rest of the week was pretty uneventful since everybody was still settling in and dealing with their new amount of homework.

*a month later*


A/N: heads up. I don't know literally anything about college.


"Before we start class today, I'd like to just quickly state that we have a transfer student joining. Please kindly welcome Kim Taehyung." the old professor said.

    "He sure got the looks." Irene heard some of her friends mumbling to each other inches away.

    She was in disgust by her friends' words. Sure she thought that the transfer guy was mediocrely handsome, but it was still weird hearing the words come out of their mouths like they were still in middle, or even high school.

    "You good?" Jin asks because of my terrified, disgusted face.

    "Yeah. It's just that it's giving me nostalgia listening to them gossip about a guy's looks." Irene complains.

    "Oh? Well I wonder why they aren't gossiping about my looks then." Jin says proudly, while pretending to flip his imaginary long hair.

    "Because there's nothing special or handsome about your looks." Irene jokes.

    "Ha-ha." Jin answers in two segments, sarcastically.

    The rest of the day passed by slowly and when it was finally over, Irene sighed at the amount of work she was assigned again. Over the next few weeks, she would see Kim Taehyung around campus acting distant and isolated from everything and everyone else. One day, Irene stayed at the library late so that she could finish working on an assignment that she wanted to quickly finish. She was walking back to the dormitory and the sun had set a long time ago; nothing could be seen without the street lights, and nothing could be heard but crickets chirping in the distance. She reaches the building and is about to walk in before someone else reaches the door and slams it in Irene's face.

    "Um, excuse me? Who do you think you are to just slam doors in people's faces?" Irene exclaimed, as she opened the door to face the guy.

    "Haha. Who do you think you are to even talk to me?" the guy, who turned out to be Taehyung, said.

    "I don't know if you know, but there are actual people around you. I know right, shocking." It was late and Irene was already pissed off.

    She pushes Taehyung aside and starts heading towards the stairs. After Irene was gone, he whispered something to himself.

    "How cute." he whispered under his breath.

A/N: YAY! it's been a month since i first started uploading this story! as a thank you, i've decided to update an extra time! to my loyal readers, there will still be an update on monday. thank you and have a wonderful day!

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