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● flashback ●

"Y/n give me my jacket back" Five said chasing y/n in the hallway. "No it's mine now" you say running into your bedroom locking the door. "Ugh fine whatever" Five says while walking away. "ha my jacket now" you say while holding Five's jacket taking in his scent. Five spacial jumps to your room pinning you to the wall. His face inches from yours. Your breathing starts to get uneven when he whispers in your ear, "now give me jacket now darling...or I'll make you". You start to lose grip on his jacket when the dinner bell rings. He smirks taking the jacket and walks out of the room. You just stand there in your room with tomato red cheeks. Five spacial jumps back in your room and says "So are you coming to dinner or not?" You then return to the real world from zoning out grabbing your book to read at dinner "Well obviously, I don't want Dad to have me clean the dishes again" you say while laughing. Five smiles a little but tries to make it not obvious but you caught his little smile.

You both head down to the dining room for dinner, with your siblings of course. You all stood behind your seats, next to five and vanya, waiting for father to come down from his office. Dad shows up to the dining room "Sit" and you all sit and enjoy the quietness of dinner surround by your 'normal and loving' family. You read your book 'Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban' while eating your f/f (a/n: favorite food cuz idk if yall vegetarian/vegan or not so yall can choose). You start to feel anger radiating off someone so you look up and see Five staring at Dad with death glares. If glares could kill, Five would definitely win. You use your telepathy to talk to Five "why the hell are you staring at Dad like you're gonna beat the shit out of him"(a/n: y/n has telepathy, energy manipulation, and can feel the radiation of emotions from others). "Shut up y/n and go back to reading your stupid Harry Potter book" Five says with more anger radiating off him. You decide to stop bothering him since he's obviously on his 'man period' and continue to read. Everybody jumps in their seats due to Five stabbing a knife in the table. "Number Five, no disruptions at the table" Dad says, "I want to time travel" Five says, "Knowledge is admirable but I believe you're not ready so please go back to your dinner, your interrupting Herr Carlson" "I've been practicing my spacial jumps just like you've said, see" Five spacial jumps next to father. "I'm not afraid" Five says while looking at Vanya and I shaking out heads 'no' "There's no need to be afraid, it's the effects on your body and what it could have on your mind. Now let's discuss this for another time, shall we" Dad says. Five scoffs and runs out the door having you run out to chase Five too. "NUMBER FIVE, NUMBER EIGHT, GET BACK HERE THIS INSTANT" dad says but you ignore because you can't leave your best friend.

*play "Run, boy, run" now*
Five pov:

I run out the house, opening the gates, getting ready to time travel. "Yea like I'm gonna listen to the old man, not ready my ass". As i'm about to jump someone grabs onto my shoulder causing them to time travel with me. I turn around and see y/n. "aw shit why, Y/n go back home now" I say. "No if you're going to time travel, I'm going with you, I dont care what you say I'm going with you" Y/n says. I grab y/n hand and jump back home "Go home now y/n" I say "No! You're not doing this alone Five, you need me" y/n says. "Y/N STOP GO HOME I'M FINE ON MY OWN, I DON'T NEED YOU I NEVER NEEDED YOU" I say with anger and bitterness. Y/n gets tears in her eyes and her eyes turn purple. (y/n eyes turn purple due to sadness and anger) Oh shit I messed up. "N/n, darling, I didn't mean that I-" "No Five, you said you don't need me, you never needed me, I'm leaving and when you come back don't expect me to be waiting for you asshole" Y/n says flipping me off with purple eyes and tears down her face. "Y/n please I-" Before I finish my sentence y/n uses her energy to travel back home. I messed up, the one person who made me truly happy. I decide to time travel again and I'm in winter season. I travel one last time and I'm in a world full of destruction and emptiness. I look around and run back home. The house is destroyed in ruins.
"Y/n...Vanya...Diego...Dad...ANYONE?!" I try to jump back but I can't anymore. I fall onto my knees in front of my now destroyed home. "Y/n I'm so sorry I shouldn't have jumped" I say sobbing. Destruction folds all around me breaking me. I find a newspaper and see the words 'April 1st, 2019' . "This is the day the world ends...I want to go back to my family, I don't know how I'm going to survive here, I need you n/n I really need you" I say sobbing even more.

Y/n pov:

I use my energy to travel back home. My anger and sadness builds up more making the ends of my hair have purple energy flames. "Y/n? Where's Five" I turn my head and see Vanya standing there. "H-he left, he said he doesn't need me...he never needed me" I say crying. "Aw y/n it's okay, everything is gonna be alright okay, he's going to be back before you know it" Vanya says hugging me for comfort. She brings me back inside the house. I see father's face and he's very angry. "Number Eight, where is Number Five" "I- he said- he should be back by now...not like I'm going to wait for his ass" I say with my hair turning into full purple flames. Everybody steps back out of fear except for father. "Everybody go to bed now, training starts early at 7 tomorrow" I start to walk away but father tells me to stay back "Number Eight, follow me" I don't do or say anything but father grabs my shoulder harshly taking me into the lowest part of the house. "Father I- what are you doing" He puts me in this empty chamber that's nothing but darkness. "Number Eight, you have to learn your lesson" father says closing the door and I run up to the door punching it screaming "FATHER STOP PLEASE I DON'T KNOW WHERE FIVE IS PLEASE I-" I get cut off by this high pitched noise that hurts my ears so bad making me scream causing the lights to flicker. After about 5 minutes, the noise stops having father opening the door, walking inside with something in his hand. "You're the most powerful out of all of the academy Number Eight, now you are going to listen to me or else I'll make everything worse for you" (TW: needles) I look closer at what he has in his hand and I see it's a needle. "Father no please no STOP STOP NOOOOO" father stabs the needle in my neck causing me to grow faint. Everything starts getting blurry as I see father telling me "This was all be over soon, Eight" I start to lose conscious and before I pass out I hear a faint voice, his voice "Y/n?" Then the world turns into darkness.

note: this is my first story so sorry this was long and terrible. darlings please stay safe and drink water. ~love izzy ♡

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