⚜️ 23 ⚜️

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Third Person Pov:

"Elliot, did you develop these photos yourself?" Y/n had heard the annoying faint voice of her schoolboy-looking friend.

The girl had groaned getting up off the floor. She had slept on the floor due to her crying herself to sleep.

Y/n grabbed a bottle of liquor she had hidden in a secret spot in her room just in case she desperately needs it and walked out her room. Five, Elliot, and Elle looked to see Y/n taking a swig of the liquor as she glared at Five.

"Morning Elle and Elliot."

"Good morning, Y/n!" Elliot waved.

"Morning, my witch. I know my mind is crazy and pounding right now, but uh... isn't the way to get over a hangover is to not... drink." Elle said as Y/n plopped on the couch next to Elle, laying her head on Elle's lap.

"What can't say good morning to me?" Five said eyeing Y/n on the couch.

Y/n turned her head to see Five standing above her. The h/c haired girl looked Five up and down before rolling her eyes and took another sip of her liquor. "Dead morning to you, asshat."

"Mmm. At least I got a morning in that sentence of yours." Five smirked as he leaned on the nearest table taking a sip of his coffee.

"Anyways... Elliot, can you develop this for me." Five said as he handed something to Elliot which caught Y/n's attention.

"What is that?"

"Oh so now you've finally decided to talk to me. Hm." Five chuckled to himself, causing Y/n to glare at the boy once again.

"Frankel Footage. A friend of yours?" Elliot questioned.

"Cousins on my robot mother's side." This caused Elle to burst out laughing.

"The hell are you laughing for?! Y/n calm your psychotic friend please." Five rolled his eyes.

"First of all, because we can laugh. Secondly, she's not psychotic... I am." Y/n sat up on the couch, rubbing her head from her hangover while closing her eyes as she began downing her bottle of liquor.

She opened her eyes as nobody was in sight. She hopped up off the couch in search for everyone.

"Guys? I closed my eyes for one second, please don't mess with me." Y/n said, waiting for anyone.

Everything slowly faded all around her as she heard gunshots. She then gasped as she saw what was around her. Everyone, her family, Elliot and Elle... Five... all dead.

Y/n sobbed as she ran to all her 'siblings' but nobody was alive. "NO NO NO! KLAUS! DIEGO! NO NO- FIVE! FIVE WAKE UP!"

The boy coughed as he started choking Y/n. "WHAT THE FUCK-"

"You could've saved us, Y/n... Instead you chose someone else. This is all your fault, n/n." Five coughed as he closed his eyes and let death hit him.

"NO! NO! I DIDN'T- I DON'T- NO NO I CAN'T LOSE YOU!" Y/n sobbed, holding Five's limp body.

"Y/n? Hey, Y/n?! Wake up!" A faint voice was heard as Y/n opened her eyes to see Five, Elle, and Elliot standing in front of her.

🚫 𝒶𝓁𝓌𝒶𝓎𝓈 𝒻𝑜𝓇𝑒𝓋𝑒𝓇 (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now